This repo contains training scripts and pretrained models to recreate the LFC and CNV models used in the BNN-PYNQ repo using Brevitas. These pretrained models and training scripts are courtesy of Alessandro Pappalardo and Ussama Zahid.
Name | Input quantization | Weight quantization | Activation quantization | Dataset | Top1 accuracy |
TFC_1W1A | 1 bit | 1 bit | 1 bit | MNIST | 93.17% |
TFC_1W2A | 2 bit | 1 bit | 2 bit | MNIST | 94.79% |
TFC_2W2A | 2 bit | 2 bit | 2 bit | MNIST | 96.60% |
SFC_1W1A | 1 bit | 1 bit | 1 bit | MNIST | 97.81% |
SFC_1W2A | 2 bit | 1 bit | 2 bit | MNIST | 98.31% |
SFC_2W2A | 2 bit | 2 bit | 2 bit | MNIST | 98.66% |
LFC_1W1A | 1 bit | 1 bit | 1 bit | MNIST | 98.88% |
LFC_1W2A | 2 bit | 1 bit | 2 bit | MNIST | 98.99% |
CNV_1W1A | 8 bit | 1 bit | 1 bit | CIFAR10 | 84.22% |
CNV_1W2A | 8 bit | 1 bit | 2 bit | CIFAR10 | 87.80% |
CNV_2W2A | 8 bit | 2 bit | 2 bit | CIFAR10 | 89.03% |
A few notes on training:
- An experiments folder at /path/to/experiments must exist before launching the training.
- Set training to 1000 epochs for 1W1A networks, 500 otherwise.
- Enabling the JIT with the env flag BREVITAS_JIT=1 significantly speeds up training.
To start training a model from scratch, e.g. LFC_1W1A, run:
BREVITAS_JIT=1 brevitas_bnn_pynq_train --network LFC_1W1A --experiments /path/to/experiments
To evaluate a pretrained model, e.g. LFC_1W1A, run:
BREVITAS_JIT=1 brevitas_bnn_pynq_train --evaluate --network LFC_1W1A --pretrained
To evaluate your own checkpoint, of e.g. LFC_1W1A, run:
BREVITAS_JIT=1 brevitas_bnn_pynq_train --evaluate --network LFC_1W1A --resume /path/to/checkpoint.tar
First log in with port 8080
ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 <USERNAME>
Install a conda environment with determined
(first time):
conda create python=3.6 -n determined
conda activate determined
pip install determined
Check out this repo (first time):
git clone
Activate conda environment and enter repo (each time):
conda activate determined
cd bnn_pynq
Log in with your username and password
det user login $USER
Run a single experiment (with constant parameters):
det -m 'localhost' experiment create const.yaml .