jquery-ui-themes-rails Public
Simple drop in for jquery themes for rails asset pipeline
react-cron-builder Public
Forked from one-more/react-cron-buildercron expression builder react component
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2019 -
mikronode Public
Forked from Trakkasure/mikronodeMikrotik API for Node
JavaScript UpdatedAug 8, 2019 -
middleman-dragonfly_thumbnailer Public
Forked from scarypine/middleman-dragonfly_thumbnailerThumbnail generation with Dragonfly
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 25, 2017 -
bootswatch Public
Just somewhere to keep the bootswatch themes
livestatus-simple Public
Forked from thejandroman/livestatus-simpleLivestatus is a simple Ruby library to control Nagios via MK Livestatus
obfuscate_id Public
Forked from namick/obfuscate_idA simple Rails plugin to mix up resource ids a bit.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 3, 2014 -
simple-pages Public
Simple CMS to integrate into a rails application based on twitter bootstrap.
bootswatch-rails Public
Forked from maxim/bootswatch-railsBootswatches converted to SCSS ready to use in Rails 3 asset pipeline.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 6, 2013 -
jquery-markedit Public
Forked from tstone/jquery-markedita jQuery branch/re-write of WMD Editor
scaffold-templates Public
A set of scaffold templates for simple form using erb and haml
jquery-sublime-text-snippets Public
Forked from kswedberg/jquery-tmbundleTextMate bundle for jQuery
timesheets Public
Quick test of the new Rails 3.0 beta with something I needed
facebox Public
Forked from defunkt/faceboxFacebook-style lightbox, built in jQuery
acts-as-list Public
Forked from ryanb/acts-as-listGem version of acts_as_list Rails plugin.