This repository is a python pure task.
Let's imagine that you are developing a web service for a customer. Your team started developing MVP recently. Your current task is to create two back-end functions (and few basic tests for them):
def read_file(file_data: BinaryIO) -> <File content in any pythonic format>
def validate_dataset(dataset: <File content in any pythonic format>) -> List[str]
Let's take a look at the functions' requirements in more detail.
The function receives binary data of a file, which was uploaded by a user. A sample of proper data you can find here: Link to the sample dataset Supported file formats: CSV, XLSX, XLS.
The output of the function you may choose by yourself it should be something convenient to use in further handling (for example it could be a list of objects, generator, pandas.DataFrame, or something else).
- The list of supported file formats will be enriched in the future.
- Potentially a user may upload any file and the function should raise an exception in case of invalid file format.
- Feel free to use file fixtures when you will write tests.
The function recieves an object which was returned by function read_file
List of messages which highlight all found issues in the dataset.
- Region name corresponds to the country name. Should be checked via
First API service
. - Priority value exists in the customer's MDM system. Should be checked via
Second API service
. - Total Profit value should be not less than 1000.
- Total Cost value should be not bigger than 5000000.
- Order Date should be less than Ship Date.
- Check values by the formula:
Units Sold * Unit Price = Total Revenue
- Check values by the formula:
Units Sold * Unit Cost = Total Cost
- The list of checks will be enriched in the future.
- The customer doesn't provide us credentials to API services yet. For testing functionality, you may use mock objects.
- Both limits 1000 and 5000000 could be changed by the customer later.
swagger: '2.0'
basePath: "/MasterData/Country/1"
- https
- application/json
- application/xml
- httpBasicAuth: []
description: 'Returns a list of countries. Country properties: code, name, description, region'
- name: countryName
in: query
description: Filter by country name
required: false
type: string
swagger: '2.0'
basePath: "/"
- https
- application/json
- application/xml
- httpBasicAuth: []
description: 'Returns 1 if priority code exists, otherwise returns 0'
- name: priorityCode
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: 'Returns a list of all possible priority codes'