Kalonline clientless bot for private servers
PK Password: EV)O8@BL$3O2E
2006 Config.pk crypt
current features: config md5 bypass, hwid block bypass.
proxy server commands:
-help \shows in chat all proxy commands
-speed INTEGER \speed hack
-fduel PLAYERNAME \force duel
-fparty PLAYERNAME \force party
-ftrade PLAYERNAME \force trade
-stop \clientless
how to set a proxy server -
get the kalonline server ip and port:
run kalonline. open task manager -> performance -> open resource monitor -> TCP connections -> search for running engine.exe - remote address=ip , remote port=port -
changes in 'src' folder:
A. client.py - self.gameServerAddress = ("SERVERIP", SERVERPORT) # SERVERNAME
B. server.py - self.listenAddress = ("localhost", SERVERPORT) #"SERVERIP" -
changes in kalonline (need to do only ONE of them):
A. open config.pk with pkeditor -> change ip in xlate to
B. run cheatengine -> search for string SERVERIP (ex. -> change the address you got to
C. if local server exists, no need to do A or B -
run proxy server (main.py), run kalonline.
evolved server connection is different -
to connect (ONE of these options):
run notepad as administrator
open through notepad hosts file from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
add this line kalevolved.noip.me
save the file as original hosts file (NOT AS TXT) -
use cheatengine -> search string kalevolved.noip.me -> change to
fparty/fduel packet error in server:
need to change init_packet in network.py to 0xABCD
to find ABCD:
- run wireshark
- use filter: ip.dst == SERVERIP
data contains 6200fd
3. send a skill in game
4. search for data with 0b and 0xfd. for example: 0b00fd5e000000c8200000
5. last 4 bytes will be our ABCD with this rule:
9319==1993 c820==20c8
7307== 0773
if you want to send a packet in kal it has to be through client.py. need to add a new -command
to send a skill:
- search for the skill name in jobsystem.txt (for example "Spin Blade")
- search for the skill action. (in the example above the action is 36)
- open calculator and change to progammer mode
- type the skill action (36 for the example)
- hex number will complete the packet. DEC 36 = HEX 24 . so the spin packet is 0x24
to send an other packet:
- open client.py
- after this line:
if packet != None:
paste this three lines:
packetType = unpack(packet, 2, 'B')
packetLength = unpack(packet, 0, 'H')
print("RECV -> Type: %d Length: %d" %(packetType, packetLength)) - run main.py and kal.
- now every packet that sent will be shown on main.py with type and length
- the type number is like the skill action number in the send skill explanation (number 4 and on)