A Node.JS lib written to extract Nintendo Switch's eShop game and pricing information
Add the package through your package manager of choice:
npm install nintendo-switch-eshop
# yarn add nintendo-switch-eshop
Require your desired functions:
const { getGamesAmerica, getGamesEurope, getGamesJapan, getQueriedGamesAmerica } = require('nintendo-switch-eshop');
// ES6 Style: import { getGamesAmerica, getGamesEurope, getGamesJapan, getQueriedGamesAmerica } from 'nintendo-switch-eshop';
// getGamesAmerica is also default exported: import getGamesAmerica from 'nintendo-switch-eshop';
For calling functions with the correct parameters and syntax please refer to the documentation linked below
Copyright © 2021
& lmmfranco
For the documentation go to https://nintendo-switch-eshop.vercel.app
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
lmmfranco 💻 🤔 📆 💬 👀 📖 |
Jeroen Claassens 💻 🤔 📆 💬 👀 📓 🚧 📖 |
Michel Makarios 📖 |
Iulian Onofrei 📖 |
Lililiuliu 🐛 💻 |
ende124 🐛 💻 |
junyeonglee 🐛 💻 |
Bryan Van Zile 💻 🐛 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!