- Opal Website
- Opal Github Repository
- Opal Github Organization
- Opal Gitter
- Opal Stackoverflow
- Opalist The only Opal mailing list, issues on the web here
- Google Opal Group
- Code Master (tagged Opal) Software Engineering Blog about Ruby, Rails, Opal, JRuby, and Java
- Funkworks (tagged Opal) Software blog, articles tagged opal
- Mikamai (tagged Opal) Software blog, articles tagged opal
- Opalist Blog links on the bottom
- Opal A New Hope by Forrest Chang, RubyConf 2013 - Broad overview of Opal and reasons to adopt, with strong Star Wars theme, rerecorded to include full sound at beginning, video picks up on Youtube. If switching video sources is too much of a pain, whole thing w/censored out sound here
- Opal: The Journey From JavaScript to Ruby by Bozhidar Batsov eurucamp 2015 -
- Clearwater - Component-based Ruby front-end framework
- Glimmer DSL for Opal - Pure-Ruby Web GUI and Auto-Webifier of Glimmer Desktop Apps
- Hyperstack - A Complete Isomorphic Ruby Framework using React, Rails and Opal
- Inesita - Frontend web application framework in Ruby using Opal.
- Lissio - lissio is a VCL (Vai Col Lissio) framework for Opal to implement frontends completely on the client side.
- Opal Ferro - Create webapps object-oriented style. No HTML, just beautiful and simple Ruby code
- Opal Praha - An opal-vienna rewrite with Convention over Configuration in mind
- Snabberb - A minimalistic reactive frontend web framework written in Ruby / Opal and based on Snabbdom.
- Vienna - Client-side MVC framework for Opal
- Volt - A Ruby web framework where your Ruby runs on both server and client
- Dare - Ruby Web Game library on top of Opal
- Electron Opal - Lightweigt Ruby wrapper around the geat electron desktop application engine
- Grand Central - State-management and action-dispatching for Opal apps
- Hyalite - This is ruby virtual DOM implementation using opal. It is inspired by react.js.
- Jekyll Opal - Let Jekyll convert your Ruby into JavaScript using Opal
- Negasonic - Music live coding in the browser, powered by Tone.rb
- Opal ActionCable - Opal wrapper for rails actioncable
- Opal ActionPack - A small port of the awesome action pack to Opal JS
- Opal ActiveRecord - An basic implementation of rails active record for use with opaljs
- Opal ActiveSupport - The port of the glorious ActiveSupport for Opal
- Opal Async - Non-blocking tasks and enumerators for Opal.
- Opal Browser - Browser support for Opal.
- Opal Builder - An attempt at making the builder XML gem work with Opal
- Opal Dom - Simple DOM for Opal (legacy?)
- Opal Eventable - Eventable module for Opal
- Opal Events - An Events Plugin for Opal
- Opal Factory Girl - Get Factory Girl working on Opal (sans ActiveRecord support). Still a work in progress.
- Opal Haml - Opal + Haml = <3
- Opal Handlebars - Experimental handlebars parser/generator for opal.
- Opal IRB - IRB (interactive ruby) for Opal
- Opal Mikado - An Opal library for working with Mikado graphs.
- Opal Minitest - Minitest, now for Opal!
- Opal Models - Client side modelling with Opal
- Opal Music - create music tunes with ruby in the browser
- Opal Native - React Native in Ruby
- Opal Observer - KVO style observers for Opal
- Opal Overwolf - Overwolf support for Opal.
- Opal RSpec - opal + rspec = <3
- Opal Rails - Bringing Ruby to Rails · Rails bindings for Opal
- Opal Router - Router implementation for Opal (very alpha)
- Opal Scriptish - Scriptish support for Ruby scripting, with Opal.
- Opal Shimmer - Shimmer is an application state and configuration management library built with Opal
- Opal Slim - Sprockets integration to compile Slim templates for Opal apps
- Opal Sprockets - Integration with Sprockets
- Opal Starter Kit - Create Opal projects easily
- Opal UI - A GUI Toolkit in your Browser
- Opal aasm - Opal compatible version of Acts As State Machine with React.rb awareness
- Rack Opal - Rack middleware to automatically compile ruby scripts to javascripts
- Reactive Record - Ruby Opal + React + ActiveRecord = GOODNESS!
- YASL - A pure Ruby serialization library alternative to YAML that works in Opal inside web browsers
- Opal Airbrake - Opal wrapper for airbrake-js javascript library.
- Opal Dagred3 - An opalized (ruby-fied) wrapper for the dagreD3 directed, acyclic graphing library
- Opal Firebase - Firebase Wrapper providing a nice ruby syntax
- Opal Highcharts - Ruby wrapper for Highcharts and Highstock javascript libraries
- Opal I18next - Ruby wrapper for the i18next javascript library
- Opal JQuery - jQuery for Opal
- Opal Knockout - opal-knockout is wrapper of knockout.js for Ruby(Opal)
- Opal Phaser - A fast and free Opal wrapper for the Phaser framework to develop browser-based games in Ruby!
- Opal Phoenix - Opal wrapper for Phoenix Framework javascript library
- Opal Pixi - Ruby wrapper for the Pixi.js graphical library
- Opal Polymer - A starting point for building web applications with Polymer
- Opal Processing - ruby-processing for the web, powered by Processing.js and Opal
- Opal PunchDB - An Opal bridge to PouchDB
- Opal Pusher - Opal bindings for the Pusher JS API
- Opal Raphael - Opal binding for Raphael.js
- Opal Sid - Hermit jsSID wrapper for opal
- Opal VirtualDOM - virtual-dom wrapper for opal
- Opal Web Midi - Web MIDI wrapper for Opal.
- Reactrb - Opal Ruby wrapper of React.js library.
- Stripe Opal - Stripe.JS wrapper for Opal
- Three.rb - An Opal wrapper for Three.js to develop 3D browser applications in Ruby!
- Tone.rb - Ruby wrapper for Tone.js
- Asciidoctor.js - A JavaScript port of Asciidoctor produced by Opal
- AsciifyMe - Convert webcam into asciiart. Live!
- Baseball Cards - Animated Baseball Cards using Opal on Rails 7
- Calculator - A HTML5 shared calculator app using ruby Opal
- Codemotion - Ruby-everywhere chat app (rack/websockets/opal)
- Glimmer Calculator - A fully functional calculator with keyboard shortcuts and multiple themes built in Glimmer
- Inesid - SID Web player with retor interface
- Inesita DBMonster - DBMonster test app written in Inesita
- Inesita Playground - Playground for Inesita
- Inesita TodoMVC - Inesita TodoMVC
- Negasonic Editor - Online editor for Negasonic, music live coding in the browser
- Opal Blog - An example of using the Clearwater framework with Opal/Rails
- Opal Canvas Demo - Crappy canvas experiment using Opal.
- Opal Cats - Get some cat pictures, with Opal
- Opal Conway - Conway Game of Life, implemented with Opal and Ruby
- Opal Examples - Experiments with html5 and the opal ruby to javascript compiler
- Opal Node server with Express.js and Socket.io Demo Chat App - Project which uses Opal (Ruby) with a Node.js server, Express and Socket.io to build a real time chat
- Opal HelloWorld - A simple project to test OpalRb
- Opal IRB - IRB (interactive ruby) for Opal
- Opal Learning WebGL - Opal (Ruby) port of the Learning WebGL (NeHe) demos
- Opal On Node Example - My first Socket.IO chat
- Opal Phaser Examples - Phaser usage examples converted to opal-phaser in order to see how to make Phaser based games the Ruby way.
- Opal Pixi Examples - Examples using the opal-pixi gem
- Opal Play - Playing around with emberjs and opaljs to run ruby code in the browser
- Opal Playground - Opal Playground (Improved, layout, opal-irb integration, opal-browser, lissio, reactive-ruby library support).
- Opal Playground - Opal Playground (Original)
- Opal Playground - Experimenting with opal to write CSS, JS, and the DOM with Ruby
- Opal Pong - Pong in Opal
- Opal Raw - A very fast opal setup - no sprockets! - includes opal browser - uses guard to automatically compile your .js.rb files as you save them
- Opal Robots - RRobots in the browser
- Opal Snake - Snake in Opal
- Opal Static Example - Ruby Opal static example
- Opal TODOS - Simple static todo app using OpalRb
- Opal TODOS - todomvc based opal example
- Opal Tic Tac Toe - A very simple port of TodoMVC
- Opal on Angularities - Write AngularJS app in Ruby using Opal.
- Opal try
- Opal with slim sass sprockets - Opal environment with sprockets, slim, sass, and rails-assets.
- Opalrb Example - A "todo" example using the Opal.rb Project.
- Pong Opal Phaser - Pong game written in opal-phaser
- Rack Opal - Really simple example of Opal with Rack.
- Rails Opal React Example - JS is hell of shit! Opal is rising!
- RethinkDB Ruby Opal - A RethinkDB demo application built with Ruby and Opal
- Roda Opal Example - Example of Using Roda with Opal
- Sprint Poker - Online estimation tool for Agile teams
- WebAdudio Playground - Website to play with web-audio
- Zupfnoter - A feature rich abc based music editor written in Opal Ruby; uses dropbox, abc2svg, jspdf and much more
- Dyndoc Opal - dyndoc js via opal
- Ember Cli Opalrb - Include Opal.rb in your Ember projects
- Ferro - Demonstration of the abilities and use of the opal-ferro framework
- Gulp Opal - A gulp plugin to convert Ruby to Javascript (by Opal)
- Meteor Opal - Meteor support for Opal, the Ruby to Javascript Compiler
- Opal Benchmarks - A quick, totally inaccurate set of simple benchmarks for opal
- Opal Console - A Chrome extension to compile and run Opal in the browser
- Opal Loader - Opal Ruby module loader for webpack
- Opal Meteor - Ruby runtime and core library for Meteor
- Opal Node Runtime - Opal runtime as a Node module
- Opal Node Compiler - Opal compiler as a Node module
- Opal npm Wrapper - Npm wrapper for Opal
- opal.tmbundle - TextMate bundler for Opal Ruby
- 18xx.games
- Asciify Me
- Baseball Cards
- Clearwater Blog
- Glimmer Calculator (Apple Theme / Tiles Theme)
- Inesid
- Inesita DBMonster
- Inesita Playground
- Inesita TodoMVC
- Negasonic Editor
- Opal Canvas Demo
- Opal IRB Embedded
- Opal IRB Standalone
- Opal Playground
- Pong in Opal
- Sprint Poker
- TryRuby
- WebAudio Playgrond
- Zupfnoter
Your contributions and suggestions are welcome ♡.