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fbacher edited this page Dec 12, 2021 · 15 revisions

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Status: Currently 2.0.7.beta.5

Complete rewrite. A lot more function, but bigger. Beta. Fully functional, tested with Kodi 19 using Python 3.9.

Major accomplishments:

  • Feature complete
  • Multi-threaded to speed up discovery, improve randomness and eliminate wait to download information before each play of remote content

Among the features:

  • Gets trailers from the library, TMDb, TFH and local trailers folder
  • Falls back to TMDb for missing trailers from local database
  • Falls back to TMDb for missing local and TFH movie details
  • One addon, with three extension points:
    1. A trailer discovery module that performs the hard work of finding and caching the trailers. Runs as a daemon.
    2. A Frontend is the user facing app. It is used for both screensaver and manual launch.
    3. A screensaver service. This thin piece of code gets launched by Kodi's screensaver function. It then starts up the frontend.
  • Can determine TMDb ID from local database, from IMDB_ID in database, from title/date lookup or guess from title/runtime or just title
  • Supports a local cache for trailers and information downloaded from remote sites
  • Supports Normalization of audio, mostly to help ghastly trailers/clips originating from youtube
  • Filter by Genre, Certification, year, rating, popularity, etc. for local, TMDb and TFH
  • Can configure various cache attributes: max size, max number of files, max % of disk, delete old files.
  • Plugin runs stand alone or as a screensaver
  • Back-end is a separate long-running service, reducing startup time and high startup cost
  • User ability to add current trailer to a playlist mostly to flag movies that they would like to watch, or note for any reason
  • Internationalized (limited testing). All messages use translation system. Country code and language used in remote movie queries
  • Genre information is loaded from .xml files allowing customization
  • Certification/Rating information is loaded from .xml files to allow different rules and names by country. (Kodi appears to have some limitations in this area: ratings do not include country info.)
  • Some statistics
  • Reports of movies without trailers, actor and  genre lists
  • Support for Text to Speech plugin (under development)


First Release:

  • Some tests written and running (load up Japanese movies from the different supported sources and verify no issues)

Future Plans:

  • Investigate feasibility of iTunes trailer support (mostly a licensing issue)
  • Add support for other trailer sites
  • Consider more filtering abilities to trailers:
    1. Add ability to temporarily alter filter without purging previously discovered metadata
    2. Watched, unWatched, or don't care
    3. Based on frequency of tags/genres/years in library that are: watched, unwatched, don't care.
    4. Based on the top n actors in movies from the library that are watched, unwatched, don't care.
    5. Investigate if a common code filter exists in Kodi to make filtering more powerful.
    6. Save and select filters
    7. Define API to for Trailer discovery module for other apps, including remote apps enjoyment.
    8. More tests
    9. Restore support for RottonTomatoes
    10. The ability to have trailers play in some theme: a. Movies similar to recently played movies (actor/genre/age) a. Play trailers in clusters of similar movies (genres, actors, etc.) a. This require lots of experimentation
    11. Select trailers from a playlist
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