A static site generator that's just Pandoc and Make.
Bake isn't a CMS, or a blog engine. It lets you publish a static site written in markdown, or manual html, or whatever.
The Makefile
is the relevant code. The rest of the repository is a description of this site whose correct generation is evidence of Bake working. A mechanism for automated testing of the product isn't planned, but definitely possible.
Use these instructions to deploy a site with GitHub pages.
Create a git repository for your content, and copy the Makefile
from Bake.
git init
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcanas/bake/master/Makefile > Makefile
Build the site to see locally:
or build the site and deploy to GitHub pages.
make deploy
The Makefile has a deploy
recipe to push a git subtree to GitHub pages if your remote is setup as github
. You can edit that area of the Makefile if that doesn't match your configuration.
Have Make on your system.
Install Pandoc
See Pandoc's installation instructions or try
brew install pandoc
# Rule for converting github flavored markdown to html5
MARKDOWN := pandoc --template template.tmp -c writ.min.css --from markdown_github --to html5 --standalone
DEPLOY = deploy
# Deploy directory.
# Excluded from source search. Prepended to all output files
# Source control directory, also excluded from source search
SRC_CTL = .git
find_all = $(shell find . -type f -name $(1))
# All markdown files. Recursive search with `find`
ALL_MD = $(call find_all,'*.md')
# $(shell find . -type f -name '*.md')
# For all known markdown files: change md extension to html and prepend the
# deploy directory.
HTML_FROM_MD := $(patsubst %.md,%.html,$(ALL_MD))
# Map a function that takes two arguments
map = $(foreach a,$(3),$(call $(1),$(2),$(a)))
### Identity Files
# All files that should be deployed as-is
# Start assuming all files
ALL = $(call find_all,'*.*')
# Non-identity types are types we want to process
# anything in the deploy directory
# and files we want to ignore:
# filter out types
ALL_IDENTITY := $(call map,filter-out,$(EXCLUDE_TYPES),$(ALL))
# Everything that needs deploying :
# all the identity files
# and all the html files derived from markdown
# First recipe is default. Nothing to do except dependency on all html files.
# Recipe for html files in the deploy directory for a corresponding markdown
# file
$(addprefix $(DEPLOY_DIRECTORY),%.html): %.md template.tmp writ.min.css
@echo Converting: $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@$(MARKDOWN) $< --output $@
$(addprefix $(DEPLOY_DIRECTORY),%.html): %.html
@echo Moving $< to $@
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@cp $< $@
$(addprefix $(DEPLOY_DIRECTORY),%.css): %.css
@echo Moving $< to $@
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@cp $< $@
REMOTE = github
BRANCH = gh-pages
deploy: undeploy bake
git add $(DEPLOY)
git commit -m 'Deploy'
git subtree push --prefix=$(DEPLOY) $(REMOTE) $(BRANCH)
git push $(REMOTE) `git subtree split --prefix $(DEPLOY) $(BRANCH)`:$(BRANCH) --force