A fork of Simply Love with some extra features that (attempt to) enhance quality of life while playing.
Only for itgmania. Please use the Default branch itgmania:release
- Event specific (ITL/SRPG) progress box on Evaluation Screen (does not appear in certain configurations)
- Event specific (ITL/SRPG) leaderboards as a pane on Evaluation Screen
- Extra Event specific (ITL/SRPG) info on the Song Wheel
- Hiding Evaluation Screen panes that have no information in it (e.g. QR code pane when it has been submitted online)
- More information on Step Statistics
- GIFs on Step Statistics
- 10ms FA+ support
- Random sound support for Evaluation Screen and song start
- Better Screenshot naming convention
- Aesthetic options for lifebars
- Gauge Error Bar
- Broken run measure counter
- Measure counter in mm:ss
- Three line information showing at all times in 1 player mode on the Song Wheel
- Profile stats for the current folder on the song wheel
- Folder lamps
- Tracking number of early judgments
- Groovestats leaderboard box on the songwheel option
- Scatterplot scales with worst judgment
- Notefield shift
- Beat Bars in gameplay
- Held Miss judgment support
- Per-foot and Per-arrow scatterplot on Evaluation Screen
- GS Scorebox in Course Mode
- Tournament mode
- Updating local ITL stats file with responses from Groovestats
- CMod on warning for No CMOD songs (e.g. ITL)
- Quint support
- Display judgment behind arrows
- Display error in ms under judgment
- Configure font used for various theme elements
- BoogieStats integration - Every song has an online leaderboard!
- Evaluation Screen time
- CD Titles
- 0ms line on the timing scatter plot on Evaluation Screen
- Track how much time remaining on fails, with how much stream completed if in a run
- Groovestats leaderboard on Step Statistics
- Error bar trim
- Judgment Tilt
- Column Cue countdown
- Stream breakdown on results screen
And more!
This fork is worked on by Zarzob and Zankoku.
Contact us on Discord at zarzob
or zankoku
. Alternatively you can join my discord server
- sorae
- MegaSphere
- @florczakraf