KOIN is a simple (but powerful) dependency injection framework for Android & any Kotlin runtime. It uses Kotlin and its functional power to get things done! No proxy/CGLib, no code generation, no introspection. Just functional Kotlin and DSL magic ;)
KOIN is a very small library, that aims to be as simple as possible and let's you write dependency injection in a breath.
Just describe your stuff and inject it!
Check the latest changes in What's New. For users using a version prior to Koin 0.6.x, please refer the migrating to 0.6.0 page to understand the latest changes.
Check that you have the jcenter
repository. Choose the needed depedency:
// Add Jcenter to your repositories if needed
repositories {
// Koin for Android
compile 'org.koin:koin-android:0.6.1'
// Koin Testing tools
testCompile 'org.koin:koin-test:0.6.1'
To start KOIN and your modules, you just have to use the startKoin()
function in your Android Application class like below:
class MainApplication : Application(){
override fun onCreate() {
// Start Koin
startKoin(this, /* your list of modules */)
The startKoin
function requires an Application
instance, and a a list of modules to run.
To declare your dependencies, you have to declare it in modules.
To create a module, make a class and extends your AndroidModule
. Implements the context()
function by using the applicationContext
function builder like below:
class WeatherModule : AndroidModule() {
override fun context() = applicationContext {
// WeatherActivity context
context(name = "WeatherActivity") {
// Provide a factory for presenter WeatherContract.Presenter
provide { WeatherPresenter(get()) }
// Weather data repository
provide { WeatherRepository(get()) }
// Local Weather DataSource
provide { LocalDataSource(AndroidReader(applicationContext) } bind WeatherDatasource::class
//for classes
class WeatherPresenter(val weatherRepository: WeatherRepository)
class WeatherRepository(val weatherDatasource: WeatherDatasource)
class LocalDataSource(val jsonReader: JsonReader) : WeatherDatasource
Your module then provides an applicationContext (description of your components), which will be made of provided components and subcontexts.
You can refer to the KOIN DSL for more details.
Once your app is configured, you have 2 ways of handling injection in your application:
- In Android components (Activity, Fragment etc.): use the
by inject()
lazy operator - In any Kotlin component: injection is made by constructor
// In Android class, use the by inject() operator
class WeatherActivity() : AppCompatActivity() {
// inject my Presenter
val presenter by inject<WeatherPresenter>()
// you can use your injected dependencies anywhere
// In pure Kotlin class, All is injected in constructor
class WeatherPresenter(val weatherRepository: WeatherRepository) {
// you can use your dependencies here
For ViewModel or others classes, use the KoinComponent
is a Kotlin interface to help you bring the Koin features on any class. By adding this interface, you will be able to use following functions:
- Injection by
- Write any property with
- release a context with
- release some properties with
You need to start a Koin context (usally startKoin()
), to be able to use any module and dependencies.
In Android, the following classes have already KoinComponent features: Application
, Activity
, Fragment
, Service
Declare any property from any KoinComponent
// Set property key with its value
You can also use any property in your Koin module with getProperty("key")
or inject in an Android class with by property("key")
You can also easily bind any Android property:
// bind R.string.server_url to Koin WeatherModule.SERVER_URL
bindString(R.string.server_url, WeatherModule.SERVER_URL)
Android/Koin property binding is available for int/string/boolean.
You can provide a name to a provided component:
class WeatherModule : AndroidModule() {
override fun context() = applicationContext {
provide("MyPresenter") { WeatherPresenter() }
To get a component with its name, in an Android class:
class WeatherActivity : AppcompatActivity(){
val presenter by inject<WeatherPresenter>("MyPresenter")
or in constructor:
class WeatherModule : AndroidModule() {
override fun context() = applicationContext {
provide("MyPresenter") { WeatherPresenter() }
// inject name dependency
provide { WeatherView(get("MyPresenter")) }
One of the biggest value of Koin, is the ability to drop any instances from a given context, to suits your components life cycle. At any moment, you can use the releaseContext()
function to release all instances from a context.
You can use the ContextAwareActivity
or ContextAwareFragent
to automatically drop an associated context:
// A module with a context
class WeatherModule : AndroidModule() {
override fun context() = applicationContext {
context(name = "WeatherActivity") {
provide { WeatherPresenter(get(), get()) }
class WeatherActivity : ContextAwareActivity(), WeatherContract.View {
// associated context name
override val contextName = "WeatherActivity"
override val presenter by inject<WeatherPresenter>()
//will call releaseContext("WeatherActivity") on onPause() - drop WeatherPresenter instance
Up to you to adapt it to your project if need, you are not forced to use those ContextAware components. You can make like follow:
abstract class MyCustomActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
abstract val contextName: String
override fun onPause() {
KOIN is an internal DSL: all your modules evolves directly with your code (if you change a component, it will also impact your modules).
You can check your modules with KoinTest.dryRun()
(launch all your modules and try to inject each component). Better is to place it in your tests folder and check it regulary - ensure everything is injected correctly.
in a JUnit test file:
class MyTest : KoinTest {
fun dryRun(){
// start Koin
startKoin(/* list of modules */)
// dry run of given module list
You can also use Koin for your tests. You can extend the KoinTest
interface to inject any component from Koin context:
class LocalWeatherPresenterTest : KoinTest {
// Directly injected
val presenter by inject<WeatherContract.Presenter>()
@Mock lateinit var view: WeatherContract.View
fun before() {
// Mocks
// Koin context
presenter.view = view
fun testDisplayWeather() {
val locationString = "Paris, france"
Mockito.verify(view).displayWeather(any(), any())
The koin-sample-app application offers a complete application sample, with MVP Android style.
- Moving from Dagger to Koin - Simplify your Android development - (Kotlin Weekly issue 66 & Android Weekly issue 282)
- Kotlin Weekly #64
- Insert Koin for dependency injection
- Better dependency injection for Android
Check the kotlin slack community and join #koin channel
Use the Koin
& Kotlin
tags to mark your questions. Koin @ Stackoverflow
Don't hesitate to open an issue to discuss about your needs or if you don't a feature for example.