This is a small extension which syncs the theme of Firefox with the system through Yin & Yang ☯️.
Auto Nightmode for KDE, Gnome, Budgie, VSCode, Atom and more
FEATool - "Physics Simulation Made Easy" (Fully Integrated FEA, FEniCS, OpenFOAM, SU2 Solver GUI & Multi-Physics Simulation Platform)
Joplin - the privacy-focused note taking app with sync capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
Base16 themes for Jetbrains IDE's (IntelliJ, PyCharm, Webstorm, etc) - and the Material Theme plugin
Simple library to make working with STL files (and 3D objects in general) fast and easy.
Fluid-particle Interaction component of Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL)
Fluid dynamics component of Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL)
FloodRisk- QGIS plugin that provides the assessment of flood consequences,in terms of loss of life and direct economic damages.
RiverGIS is a QGIS plugin for creating HEC-RAS flow model geometry from spatial data. The functionality is similar to that of HEC-GeoRAS
Pre- and postprocessing tool in addition to Blue Kenue and TELEMAC-MASCARET system
User interface for the Stormwater-Management-Model
Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks
Plotting and manipulating mesh data in QGIS.