使用 Rust 实现的 CobaltStrike 的 beacon。
This project is implemented in Rust for CobaltStrike's beacon. It is intended for educational purposes only, such as protocol analysis and reverse engineering. If this project infringes on any rights, please contact me to remove it. Do not use it illegally.
- http/https 通信
- 命令执行
- 文件管理
- 进程管理
- 进程注入/迁移(支持自注入选项)
- 令牌伪造/提权
- CS 原生 hashdump
- BOF 内存加载
部分功能可能存在 bug,欢迎提交 issue 进行反馈。
Currently implemented features:
- HTTP/HTTPS communication
- Command execution
- File management
- Process management
- Process injection/migration (supports self-injection)
- Token impersonation/privilege escalation
- Native CS hashdump
- BOF memory loading
Some features may have bugs. Feel free to submit issues for feedback.
- Rust 工具链 (推荐使用 nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu)
- Python 3.x (用于密钥提取)
- CobaltStrike 4.x
Environment Requirements:
- Rust toolchain (recommended: nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu)
- Python 3.x (for key extraction)
- CobaltStrike 4.x
首先找到你的 .cobaltstrike.beacon_keys
文件,和项目中的 dump_key.py
First, locate your .cobaltstrike.beacon_keys
file and place it in the same directory as dump_key.py
. Run the command:
python dump_key.py
将得到的 public key 放到 src/config/mod.rs
Place the obtained public key in src/config/mod.rs
处填写自定义内容,如server端 ip,端口等
Fill in custom content in src/config/mod.rs
, such as server IP, port, etc.
Compile the project:
cargo build --release
The toolchain used for testing is nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
内存加载 PowerShell/C#
完善 job 功能
DNS 类型 Beacon 适配
更丰富的 profile 内容适配
Memory loading for PowerShell/C#
Improve job functionality
Adaptation for DNS type Beacon
More comprehensive profile content adaptation
Thanks to the following projects and articles:
- b1tg/cobaltstrike-beacon-rust
- Z3ratu1/geacon_plus
- CobaltStrike beacon二开指南 | Z3ratu1's blog
- mai1zhi2/SharpBeacon
- 魔改 CobaltStrike:重写 Stager 和 Beacon-编程技术
- hakaioffsec/coffee
- Cobalt Strike BOF 原理分析
- WBGlIl/ReBeacon_Src
- 本项目仅用于网络安全技术的学习研究,若使用者在使用本项目的过程中存在任何违法行为或造成任何不良影响,需使用者自行承担责任,与项目作者无关。
- 本项目完全开源,请勿将本项目用于任何商业用途。
- 本人不参加各类攻防演练以及境内外渗透项目,如溯源到本人id或者项目,纯属巧合。