UiBooster is a lean library to create fast and easy dialogs for utility tools.
This project ports UiBooster 1.7 full functionally to the Processing eco-system as a library to create dialogs for your sketch fast as possible. With a lot of examples you will learn to use this library in less than five minutes.
If you like this project, and you want to keep me awake π€ͺ, than please support me on ko-fi
If you want to use this library in your processing sketch you can download it via the integrated Contribution Manager
The following examples show the usage of this library. If you interested in the javadoc documentation look here.
- Information dialogs
- Text input dialog
- Confirmation dialog
- Selection dialog
- Slider dialog
- Colorpicker
- Datepicker
- File and directory selection dialogs
- Login dialog
- Waiting dialog
- Progress dialog
- Table dialog
- Gallery dialog
- Form dialog
- Splash screen
- System tray menu
- Notification
new UiBooster().showInfoDialog("UiBooster is a lean library to ....");
new UiBooster().showWarningDialog("Your computer has a low battery ....", "WARN");
new UiBooster().showErrorDialog("The connection to SQL database is failed.", "ERROR");
String opinion = new UiBooster().showTextInputDialog("What do you think?");
new UiBooster().showConfirmDialog(
"Do you really want this action?",
"Are you sure?",
() -> System.out.println("Action accepted"),
() -> System.out.println("Action declined"));
String selection = new UiBooster().showSelectionDialog(
"What's your favorite movie?",
"Favorite Movie?",
Arrays.asList("Pulp Fiction", "Bambi", "The Godfather", "Hangover"));
Integer numberOfHotDogs = new UiBooster().showSlider("How many HotDogs do you want?", "Your order",
0, 10, 2, 5, 1);
Color selectedColor = new UiBooster().showColorPicker("Choose your favorite color", "Color picking");
Date birthday = new UiBooster().showDatePicker("What's your birthday?", "Birthday");
UiBooster booster = new UiBooster();
File file = booster.showFileSelection();
File directory = booster.showDirectorySelection();
File fileOrDirectory = booster.showFileOrDirectorySelection();
LoginCredentials credentials = new UiBooster().showLogin(
"Internal area",
WaitingDialog dialog = new UiBooster().showWaitingDialog("Starting", "Please wait");
WaitingDialog dialog = new UiBooster().showWaitingDialog("Starting", "Please wait");
dialog.setLargeMessage("Some more information...\nMaybe from log files or other resources. \nBe transparent to the user to understand long processes...");
ProgressDialog dialog = new UiBooster().showProgressDialog("Please wait", "Waiting", 0, 120);
// ...
String[][] modifiedData = new UiBooster().showTable( // showTableImmutable for immutable tables
new String[][]{
{"Jimmy Johnson", "35", "Zombieland"},
{"Danny Durango", "23", "Hangover"},
{"Larry Berry", "54", ""}
Arrays.asList("Name", "Age", "Favorite movie"),
"Favorite movies");
new UiBooster().showPictures(
"My picture",
new File("/home/nick/pictures/img-01.jpg"),
new File("/home/nick/pictures/img-02.jpg")
UiBooster booster = new UiBooster();
FilledForm form = booster.createForm("Personal information")
.addText("Whats your first name?")
.addTextArea("Tell me something about you")
"Whats your favorite movie?",
Arrays.asList("Pulp Fiction", "Bambi", "The Godfather", "Hangover"))
.addLabel("Choose an action")
.addButton("half full", () -> booster.showInfoDialog("Optimist"))
.addButton("half empty", () -> booster.showInfoDialog("Pessimist"))
.addSlider("How many liters did you drink today?", 0, 5, 1, 5, 1)
// use .run() instead of show() to open the form without blocking.
Splashscreen splash = new UiBooster().showSplashscreen("/path/to/your/splash.png");
// do your stuff
UiBooster booster = new UiBooster();
booster.createTrayMenu("Food", "screenshots/color.jpg")
.addMenu("Hotdogs", () -> booster.showInfoDialog("Sausage in a roll"))
.addMenu("Fries", () -> booster.showInfoDialog("Fried potatoes"))
.addMenu("Pizza", () -> booster.showInfoDialog("Dough with tomato sauce"));
new UiBooster().createNotification("It's hot and delicious", "Dinner is ready");
UiBooster booster = new UiBooster(
new UiBoosterOptions(
Please report issues for bugs or feature requests with ideas for other useful dialogs. If you interested in the development process, take a look to the origin project UiBooster.
The port of UiBooster works as copy from the original project with some package adjustments. An update script pulls the current UiBooster code and replace it with the code from this library. New features from UiBooster are added as examples, and the README.md has been updated.
This script updates the code. Attention: It removes the existing code!
cd ./update/
bash update-uibooster.sh