This is my repo for backtesting algorithmic trading strategies.
Implemented with Backtrader in Python.
-策略报告输出包含策略表现,成交记录,回报记录等。 '''
runmode: 回测模式:'backtest', 交易模式:'trading'
datatype: 回测模式下两种: file,historical_limit,
交易模式下两种: realtime, hitsorical_update
Arg | Flag | Possible Values | Description |
running mode | runmode | backtest,trading | running mode |
strategy | BuyAndHold, CrossOver, etc. | Choose from the list of algorithms in the ./backtest/algos/. The arg value is the filename. | |
tickers | -t, --tickers | SPY, AAPL, etc. | A list of tickers to use. |
universe | -u, --universe | sp500, faang, etc. | Find the list of uniuverses in ./backtest/utils/ |
data type | -d, --datatype | file, historical_limit, etc. | Choose for description data source type |
start | -s, --start | 2010, 2010-01-01 | Starting date of the backtest |
end | -e, --end | 2022, 2021-12-31 | End date for backtest |
cash | --cash | 100000 | Starting cash balance |
verbose | -v, --verbose | Show verbose details of all trades | |
plot | -p, --plot | Show the full plot | |
plot returns | --plotreturns | Only plot the returns | |
kwargs | -k, --kwargs | Additional arguments to pass through to the strategy |
python -m BuyAndHold -t SPY -s 2010 <strategy> -t <tickers list> ...
python -m tools.download_prices -t SPY
Tool | Description |
download_info | Download fundamental data |
download_prices | Download price history for specified tickers. If no tickers given, defaults to download all tickers in SP500 |
update_prices | Updates newest price data and appends to the end of the downloaded file (Use this once you've already downloaded data) |
plot | Plot price for specified tickers |
validate_data | Cleans up and validates price data |
stats | Get statistical data of ticker |
etc. | You can follow this format and try out the other tools as well. They can all be imported too. |
- Buy and Hold (
) - Simple Moving Average Cross-Over (
) - Leveraged ETF Pairs (
) - Pair Switching (
) - Mean reversion (
This strategy has been successful for the ETF pairs MDY and TLT.
Backtest results:
Method | Value | SPY |
Total Returns | 525.71% | 89.86% |
Max Drawdown | 16.28% | 54.83% |
CAGR | 20.15% | 6.63% |
Sharpe | 1.03988 | 0.24775 |
Sortino | 1.52483 | 0.34871 |
Method | Value | SPY |
Total Returns | 55.83% | 100.92% |
Max Drawdown | 9.76% | 12.93% |
CAGR | 9.29% | 14.99% |
Sharpe | 0.51831 | 0.95824 |
Sortino | 0.72603 | 1.35337 |
Method | Value | SPY |
Total Returns | 14.64% | 12.29% |
Max Drawdown | 12.05% | 19.15% |
CAGR | 8.50% | 7.19% |
Sharpe | 0.43412 | 0.30127 |
Sortino | 0.58252 | 0.40374 |
This strategy has been successful for the S&P 100 stocks.
Quantopian: Enhancing short term mean reversion strategies
- Filter out large 1-day news-realted moves
- (Sort by 5d standard-deviation of returns)
Backtest results:
Method | Value | SPY |
Total Returns | 133.90% | 96.88% |
Max Drawdown | 18.10% | 13.04% |
CAGR | 17.54% | 14.52% |
Sharpe | 0.97543 | 0.93255 |
Sortino | 1.43594 | 1.32703 |
Method | Value | OEF |
Total Returns | 33.29% | 22.65% |
Max Drawdown | 20.20% | 19.41% |
CAGR | 13.88% | 11.03% |
Sharpe | 0.66737 | 0.53051 |
Sortino | 0.94469 | 0.71488 |