本仓库复刻于原作者的仓库(https://github.com/cinit/TMoe )
TMoe 是一个兼容若干第三方开源 Telegram 客户端的开源 Xposed 模块
TMoe is an open source Xposed module compatible with several third-party open source Telegram clients.
激活本模块后,在 Telegram 客户端的设置中点击 "TMoe 设置" 即可开关对应功能。
After activating this module, click "TMoe Settings" in the Telegram client settings to turn on or off the corresponding function.
- 本项目保证永久开源,欢迎提交 Issue 或者 Pull Request,但是请不要提交用于非法用途的功能。
- 如果某功能被大量运用于非法用途,那么该功能将会被移除。
- 开发人员可能在任何时间停止更新或删除项目
- This project is guaranteed to be open source forever. Welcome to submit issues or pull requests, but do not submit features for illegal purposes.
- If a feature is widely used for illegal purposes, the feature will be removed.
- The developer may stop updating or delete the project at any time.
- 调试模式 / Debug mode
- 去除复制保存消息限制 / Remove the limit on copying and saving messages
- 隐藏赞助消息 / Hide sponsored message
- 隐藏指定用户头像 / Hide specific user avatars
- 禁用剧透 / Prohibit Spoilers
- 禁止频道滑动切换 / Prohibit Channel Switching
- 禁止表情回应 / Prohibit Enable Reactions
- 禁用问候贴纸 / Prohibit Chat Greetings
- 隐藏电话号码 / Hide Phone Number
- 拒绝人数舍入 / Show Channel Detail Numbers
- 允许非管理员查询部分群组信息 / Allow non-admin to query some group information
- 询问是否发出指令 / Ask for tap command
- 强制显示顶栏模糊选项 / Force chat blur option available
- 禁用会员贴纸动画 / Disable Premium Sticker Animation
- 按音量键时保持视频静音 / Keep video muted when pressing the volume button
- 以消息模式查看话题群组 / View as Group by default in Topic
- 隐藏标签面板的会员贴纸包 / Hide Premium Sticker Tab
- 显示消息ID / Show message ID
- 为聊天菜单添加刷新消息按钮 / Add Reload Message Button in chat menu
- TODO 咕咕咕
任何基于 Telegram Android 官方 TMessagesProj 的无混淆客户端。
Any official Telegram Android TMessagesProj based client without obfuscation.
完整的列表请参考 HookEntry.java 以及 模块作用域.
Please refer to HookEntry.java and Xposed scope for the complete list.
如果您的客户端满足兼容性要求但不在列表中,请在 HookEntry.java 和 模块作用域 中添加对应的值。
If your client meets the compatibility requirements but is not in the list, please add the corresponding value in HookEntry.java and Xposed scope.
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 [email protected]
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.