Android project for creating and requesting favors in campus. It's just an university project that goes beyond the requested features by the professor (and missing others).
New users can ask for a favor (let's say copies, make an urgent queue at the restaurant, make a reservation, so on). Main screen is list of favors that other users have requested and no one has taken to do it yet. When you ask for a favor, you lose your 2 points, so you will not be able to ask for more favor... at least you start making favors and earn 2 points per each ;) You'll also get notified when someone start making a favor you requested.
In "Chats activos", you'll be able to chat (notifications included) with people you're making any favor, or the ones making you any favor. You'll also be able to check your Favors status in "Mis favores", see if they're assigned, unassigned, completed.
If a favor is assigned and you tap it, you can go the chat from that position, if a favor is unassigned you'll be able to delete it (YOU WON'T RECOVER ANY POINTS)
Project contains sensitive files that any project should contain, but it's still a development phase and something just about learning, not a business, so you only need to run the app and it will all work.
I left some issues (if someone ever watches my project haha) in which I'm planning to work from now on (I'll be updating it).
Any pull request to dev branch :)