Tags: ferisjuan/ioredis
chore(release): 5.0.6 [skip ci] ## [5.0.6](redis/ioredis@v5.0.5...v5.0.6) (2022-05-31) ### Bug Fixes * Add back Pipeline#length ([redis#1585](redis#1585)) ([63b2ee4](redis@63b2ee4)), closes [redis#1584](redis#1584)
chore(release): 5.0.5 [skip ci] ## [5.0.5](redis/ioredis@v5.0.4...v5.0.5) (2022-05-17) ### Bug Fixes * improve typing for redis.multi ([redis#1580](redis#1580)) ([f9f875b](redis@f9f875b)) * send correct command during auto-pipelining of .call() operations ([redis#1579](redis#1579)) ([e41c3dc](redis@e41c3dc))
chore(release): 5.0.4 [skip ci] ## [5.0.4](redis/ioredis@v5.0.3...v5.0.4) (2022-04-09) ### Bug Fixes * Expose ChainableCommander and other types ([redis#1560](redis#1560)) ([df04dd8](redis@df04dd8))
chore(release): 5.0.3 [skip ci] ## [5.0.3](redis/ioredis@v5.0.2...v5.0.3) (2022-03-31) ### Bug Fixes * add named exports to keep compatible with @types/ioredis ([redis#1552](redis#1552)) ([a89a900](redis@a89a900)) * Fix failover detector with sentinel and tls streams ([ac00a00](redis@ac00a00)) * handle NOPERM error for monitor ([93b873d](redis@93b873d)), closes [redis#1498](redis#1498) * Hook up the keepAlive after a successful connect ([14f03a4](redis@14f03a4)), closes [redis#1339](redis#1339)
chore(release): 5.0.2 [skip ci] ## [5.0.2](redis/ioredis@v5.0.1...v5.0.2) (2022-03-30) ### Bug Fixes * allow option maxRetriesPerRequest to be null ([redis#1553](redis#1553)) ([d62a808](redis@d62a808)), closes [redis#1550](redis#1550) * support TypeScript interface as parameters of hmset and mset ([redis#1545](redis#1545)) ([3444791](redis@3444791)), closes [redis#1536](redis#1536)
chore(release): 5.0.1 [skip ci] ## [5.0.1](redis/ioredis@v5.0.0...v5.0.1) (2022-03-26) ### Bug Fixes * improve typing compatibility with @types/ioredis ([redis#1542](redis#1542)) ([3bf300a](redis@3bf300a))
chore(release): 5.0.0 [skip ci] # [5.0.0](redis/ioredis@v4.28.5...v5.0.0) (2022-03-26) ### Bug Fixes * add @ioredis/interface-generator to dev deps ([aa3b3e9](redis@aa3b3e9)) * add missing declaration for callBuffer ([08c9072](redis@08c9072)) * add the missing typing for Redis#call() ([747dd30](redis@747dd30)) * better support for CJS importing ([687d3eb](redis@687d3eb)) * disable slotsRefreshInterval by default ([370fa62](redis@370fa62)) * Fix the NOSCRIPT behavior when using pipelines ([bc1b168](redis@bc1b168)) * improve typing for auto pipelining ([4e8c567](redis@4e8c567)) * improve typing for pipeline ([d18f3fe](redis@d18f3fe)) * keyPrefix should work with Buffer ([6942cec](redis@6942cec)), closes [redis#1486](redis#1486) * make fields private when possible ([d5c2f20](redis@d5c2f20)) * parameter declaration of Redis#duplicate ([a29d9c4](redis@a29d9c4)) * pipeline fails when cluster is not ready ([af60bb0](redis@af60bb0)), closes [redis#1460](redis#1460) * remove dropBufferSupport option ([04e68ac](redis@04e68ac)) * remove unused Command#isCustomCommand ([46ade6b](redis@46ade6b)) * rename interfaces by dropping prefix I ([d1d9dba](redis@d1d9dba)) * Reset loaded script hashes to force a reload of scripts after reconnect of redis ([60c2af9](redis@60c2af9)) * support passing keyPrefix via redisOptions ([6b0dc1e](redis@6b0dc1e)) ### Features * add [@SInCE](https://github.com/since) to method comments ([13eff8e](redis@13eff8e)) * add declarations for methods ([1e10c95](redis@1e10c95)) * add tests for cluster ([1eba58b](redis@1eba58b)) * always parse username passed via URI ([c6f41f6](redis@c6f41f6)) * drop support of Node.js 10 ([f9a5071](redis@f9a5071)) * drop support of third-party Promise libraries ([2001ec6](redis@2001ec6)) * expose official declarations ([7a436b1](redis@7a436b1)) * improve typings for cluster ([06782e6](redis@06782e6)) * improve typings for pipeline ([334242b](redis@334242b)) * improve typings for smismember ([487c3a0](redis@487c3a0)) * improve typings for transformers ([94c1e24](redis@94c1e24)) * improve typings for xread ([96cc335](redis@96cc335)) * Pipeline-based script loading ([8df6ee2](redis@8df6ee2)) * prepare v5 stable release ([redis#1538](redis#1538)) ([fe32ce7](redis@fe32ce7)) * Refactor code with modern settings ([a8ffa80](redis@a8ffa80)) * skip ready check on NOPERM error ([b530a0b](redis@b530a0b)), closes [redis#1293](redis#1293) * support commands added in Redis v7 ([53ca412](redis@53ca412)) * support defining custom commands via constructor options ([f293b97](redis@f293b97)) * support Redis Functions introduced in Redis 7.0 ([32eb381](redis@32eb381)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * `slotsRefreshInterval` is disabled by default, previously, the default value was 5000. * `allowUsernameInURI` is removed and ioredis will always use the username passed via URI. Previously, the `username` part in `new Redis("redis://username:[email protected]:6380/4")` was ignored unless `allowUsernameInURI` is specified: `new Redis("redis://username:[email protected]:6380/4?allowUsernameInURI=true")`. Now, if you don't want to send username to Redis, just leave the username part empty: `new Redis("redis://:[email protected]:6380/4")` * `Redis#serverInfo` is removed. This field is never documented so you very likely have never used it. * Support for third-party Promise libraries is dropped. Related methods (`exports.Promise = require('bluebird')`) are kept but they don't take any effects. The native Promise will always be used. * We now require Node.js v10.12.0 or newer. * We now only work with Redis v3.0.0 or newer. * `Redis` can't be called as a function anymore as it's now a class. Please change `Redis()` to `new Redis()`. Note that `Redis()` was already deprecated in the previous version.
chore(release): 5.0.0-beta.4 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-beta.4](redis/ioredis@v5.0.0-beta.3...v5.0.0-beta.4) (2022-03-19) ### Bug Fixes * add missing declaration for callBuffer ([08c9072](redis@08c9072)) * keyPrefix should work with Buffer ([6942cec](redis@6942cec)), closes [redis#1486](redis#1486)
chore(release): 5.0.0-beta.3 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-beta.3](redis/ioredis@v5.0.0-beta.2...v5.0.0-beta.3) (2022-03-19) ### Bug Fixes * pipeline fails when cluster is not ready ([af60bb0](redis@af60bb0)), closes [redis#1460](redis#1460)
chore(release): 5.0.0-beta.2 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-beta.2](redis/ioredis@v5.0.0-beta.1...v5.0.0-beta.2) (2022-03-16) ### Features * improve typings for smismember ([487c3a0](redis@487c3a0)) * improve typings for xread ([96cc335](redis@96cc335))