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Slack Bot Schematic Slack Bot Demo

This is a demo Slack bot that integrates with the Schematic API to show notifications in Slack.


This demo was created from the Bolt for JavaScript (TypeScript) Template App and uses the Bolt for JavaScript framework to create a Slack app.


This is a demo application and should not be used in production. It is intended to show how to integrate the Schematic API with Slack.


Create a new Slack app

  1. Open and choose "From an app manifest"
  2. Choose the workspace you want to install the application to
  3. Copy the contents of manifest.json into the text box that says *Paste your manifest code here* (within the JSON tab) and click Next
  4. Review the configuration and click Create
  5. Click Install to Workspace and Allow on the screen that follows. You'll then be redirected to the App Configuration dashboard.

Environment variables

Before you can run the app, you'll need to store some environment variables.

  1. Copy env.sample to .env
  2. Open your apps configuration page from this list, click OAuth & Permissions in the left hand menu, then copy the Bot User OAuth Token into your .env file under SLACK_BOT_TOKEN
  3. Click Basic Information from the left hand menu and follow the steps in the App-Level Tokens section to create an app-level token with the connections:write scope. Copy that token into your .env as SLACK_APP_TOKEN.

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the app

npm start

Setting Up the Schematic API Webhook

Temporarily expose your local server

To receive webhooks from the Schematic API, you'll need to expose your local server to the internet, for example, using ngrok:

ngrok http 3000

Create a new webhook

  1. Open the Schematic dashboard
  2. Navigate to More > Integrations > Webhooks
  3. Click Create Webhook
  4. Enter a name for the webhook, e.g. "Slack Bot"
  5. Enter the URL provided by ngrok in the URL field:
    • https://<your-ngrok-subdomain>
  6. For the Events field, select the following events:
    • plan.entitlement.created
    • plan.entitlement.updated
    • plan.entitlement.deleted
  7. Click Save

Invite the bot to a channel

  1. Open the Slack app and navigate to the channel you want to add the bot to
  2. Type / in the channel and select "Add apps to this channel"
  3. Search for the app "Schematic Bot Demo" you created and click Add

Test the bot

Subscribe to an event

In the channel you added the bot to, type /schematic subscribe <event> where <event> is one of the following:

  • plan.entitlement.created
  • plan.entitlement.updated
  • plan.entitlement.deleted

For example, type the following to subscribe to the plan.entitlement.updated event:

/schematic subscribe plan.entitlement.updated

You should see a message from the bot confirming the subscription.

Make a change in Schematic

  1. To to the Schematic Plans dashboard
  2. Create, update, or delete a plan entitlement

Check the Slack channel

You should see a message from the bot with details about the event that occurred.