version v1.2.1, 21/04/2017
Copyright of the model is maintained by the developers, and the model is distributed under a Dual-Licence mode.
- GPL License apply for academic purposes. If you use this model in your work, you are requested to cite [1] in the reference. GitHub Repository and Downloads
- Commercial license for other purposes not meeting GPL license: Contact [email protected]
v1.2.1: Experiments on advanced modeling of variability and degradation v1.2.0: CF degradation model added through src/memristor_degradation.scs
Physical memristor/RRAM/resistive switching device SPICE compact model, that is able to accurately fit both unipolar/bipolar devices settling to its current-voltage relationship.
Main capabilities:
- Accurate modeling of dynamic resistance, mimicking physical device response.
- Modeling switching behavior for bipolar/unipolar devices.
- Cycle and switching event count.
- Modular and extensible: Temperature aware case of study.
- Variability aware: voltage/cycle dependent RTN, cycle to cycle conduction changes.
- Provision of variability dynamics and resistive state retention handling, defining how the device degrades through time/cycle stress.
- Explicit support for multi-level storage, allowing the modeling of Pristine State -the initial High Resistive State (HRS) prior any electroforming-.
- Project page:
Both LT-Spice and Cadence Spectre compact models/test benches are provided.
- Advanced variability and degradation modeling examples in spectre/bipolar_aSiCCuTiN/experiment_advanced_variability_degradation folder.
- Bipolar examples in X/bipolar_aSiCCuTiN and spice/charge_controlled folders.
- Unipolar examples in X/unipolar_NiHfO2Si folder.
- Variability (RTN and cycle/voltage dependent) examples in spectre/bipolar_aSiCCuTiN folder
- RRAM Multi-level examples in spectre/bipolar_aSiCCuTiN and spice/bipolar_aSiCCuTiN folders
- Pristine (Pre-forming) state examples in spectre/bipolar_aSiCCuTiN folder
- Temperature-dependency examples in spectre/bipolar_aSiCCuTiN folder
- Standard (phenomenological) charge controlled examples in spice/charge_controlled folder
See SPICE Compact Modeling of Bipolar/Unipolar Memristor Switching Governed by Electrical Thresholds, Fernando García-Redondo, Robert P. Gowers, A. Crespo-Yepes,Marisa López-Vallejo and Liudi Jiang, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--I: Regular Papers, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2016.2564703
See Advanced Integration of Variability and Degradation in RRAM SPICE Compact Models Fernando García-Redondo, Marisa López-Vallejo and Carlos López Barrio Department of Electronic Engineering, Technical University of Madrid, UPM { fgarcia, marisa, barrio } IEEE 14th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2017) 2017.
[1] SPICE Compact Modeling of Bipolar/Unipolar Memristor Switching Governed by Electrical Thresholds Fernando García-Redondo, Robert P. Gowers, A. Crespo-Yepes,Marisa López-Vallejo and Liudi Jiang IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--I: Regular Papers
2016, DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2016.2564703
[2] Advanced Integration of Variability and Degradation in RRAM SPICE Compact Models Fernando García-Redondo, Marisa López-Vallejo and Carlos López Barrio IEEE 14th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD 2017) 2017.
[3] Building Memristor Applications: From Device Model to Circuit Design Fernando García-Redondo; Marisa López-Vallejo; Pablo Ituero IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
2014, DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2014.2345093
[4] A CAD Framework for the Characterization and Use of Memristor Models Fernando García-Redondo, Marisa López-Vallejo, Pablo Ituero, Carlos López Barrio Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), 2012 International Conference on
2012, DOI: 10.1109/SMACD.2012.6339408
[5] Model Validation and Simulation Framework for Novel Nanometer Devices Fernando García-Redondo, Marisa López-Vallejo, Pablo Ituero, Carlos López Barrio Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems 2012 (DCIS 2012), At Avignon (France)
2012, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1323.8721
- [6] The tractability index of memristive circuits: branch-oriented and tree-based models.
Fernando García-Redondo, Ricardo Riaza
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.
2012 DOI: 10.1002/mma.2544