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WordPress custom fields library. Easily create custom meta boxes, blocks and plugin settings with PHP.

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Composer package for creating react-powered fields, blocks and settings in the WordPress editor with only PHP.


From your theme or plugin directory:

composer require fieldify/fields

Currently, this package is not available on Packagist. To install from GitHub, add the following to your composer.json file:

	"require": {
		"fieldify/fields": "dev-main"
	"repositories": [
			"type": "git",
			"url": "[email protected]:fieldifywp/fields.git"
			"type": "git",
			"url": "[email protected]:blockifywp/utilities.git"


To enable the Fieldify package, add the following to your theme or plugin:

// Require the Composer autoloader.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Configure main plugin file or theme functions.php.
Fieldify::register( __FILE__ );



Block registration matches WordPress core block registration with the addition of a 'panels' argument for grouping controls in the block sidebar. Attributes must specify the 'panel' key to be grouped.

Block names must include a namespace and be in kebab-case in the following format: namespace/my-block.

register_custom_block( 'namespace/my-block', [
	'title'           => __( 'My Block', 'text-domain' ),
	'description'     => __( 'My custom block', 'text-domain' ),
	'category'        => 'custom',
	// Uncomment to use dashicons.
	// 'icon'		  => 'admin-site',
	'icon'            => [
		'src' => get_icon( 'wordpress', 'star-filled' ),
	'keywords'        => [ 'my', 'block' ],
	'render_callback' => static function ( array $attributes, string $content ): string {
		return '<div class="my-block">' . ( $attributes['content'] ?? 'no content' ) . '</div>';
	'style'           => plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '/assets/my-block.css',
	'supports'        => [
		'color'   => [
			'text'       => true,
			'background' => false,
		'spacing' => [
			'blockGap' => true,
			'margin'   => true,
	'panels'          => [
		'conditional' => [
			'title' => 'Conditional',
		'text'        => [
			'title' => 'Text',
		'number'      => [
			'title' => 'Number',
		'media'       => [
			'title' => 'Media',
		'ui'          => [
			'title' => 'UI',
		'custom'      => [
			'title' => 'Custom',
	// Uncomment to use inner blocks.
	//'template'      => [],
	//'template_lock' => false,
	'attributes'      => [
		'verticalAlign'      => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'toolbar' => 'BlockVerticalAlignmentToolbar',
		'horizontalAlign'    => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'toolbar' => 'BlockAlignmentToolbar',
		'hideContentSetting' => [
			'type'    => 'boolean',
			'label'   => 'Hide content setting',
			'control' => 'toggle',
			'default' => false,
			'panel'   => 'conditional',
		'content'            => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'control' => 'text',
			'default' => 'My block content',
			'panel'   => 'conditional',
			'show_if' => [
					'attribute' => 'hideContentSetting',
					'operator'  => '!==',
					'value'     => true,
		'checkbox'           => [
			'type'    => 'boolean',
			'label'   => __( 'Checkbox', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'checkbox',
			'panel'   => 'ui',
		'number'             => [
			'type'    => 'number',
			'label'   => __( 'Number', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'number',
			'panel'   => 'number',
		'unit'               => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'label'   => __( 'Unit', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'unit',
			'panel'   => 'number',
		'range'              => [
			'type'    => 'number',
			'label'   => __( 'Range', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'range',
			'min'     => 0,
			'max'     => 100,
			'step'    => 1,
			'panel'   => 'number',
		'dropdown'           => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'label'   => __( 'Dropdown', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'select',
			'options' => [
					'value' => 'option1',
					'label' => 'Option 1',
					'value' => 'option2',
					'label' => 'Option 2',
					'value' => 'option3',
					'label' => 'Option 3',
			'panel'   => 'ui',
		'paragraphContent'   => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'label'   => __( 'Paragraph content', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'textarea',
			'panel'   => 'text',
		'hiddenField'        => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'label'   => __( 'Hidden field', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'hidden',
			'panel'   => 'text',
		'image'              => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'label'   => __( 'Image picker', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'image',
			'panel'   => 'media',
		'youtubeUrl'         => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'label'   => __( 'YouTube URL', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'embed',
			'panel'   => 'media',
		'galleryImages'      => [
			'type'    => 'array',
			'label'   => __( 'Gallery images', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'gallery',
			'panel'   => 'media',
		'iconPicker'         => [
			'type'    => 'object',
			'label'   => __( 'Select Icon', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'icon',
			'panel'   => 'custom',
		'colorOrGradient'    => [
			'type'    => 'string',
			'label'   => __( 'Color or Gradient', 'text-domain' ),
			'control' => 'color',
			'panel'   => 'ui',
		'repeater'           => [
			'type'      => 'array',
			'label'     => __( 'Repeater', 'text-domain' ),
			'control'   => 'repeater',
			'panel'     => 'custom',
			'subfields' => [
				'item' => [
					'type'    => 'string',
					'label'   => __( 'Item', 'text-domain' ),
					'control' => 'text',
] );


Block attributes are defined as an associative array with the attribute name as the key and an array of options as the value.

Meta Boxes

register_custom_meta_box( 'my-meta-box', [
	'title'      => 'My Meta Box',
	'post_types' => [ 'post' ],
	'context'    => 'side',
	'priority'   => 'default',
	'fields'     => [
		'hideContentSetting' => [
			'default' => false,
			'control' => 'toggle',
		'content' => [
			'label'   => 'Content',
			'control' => 'text',
			'default' => 'My meta box content',
			'show_if' => [
					'field'    => 'hideContentSetting',
					'operator' => '!==',
					'value'    => true,
] );


Meta box fields are defined as an associative array with the field name as the key and an array of options as the value.


register_custom_settings('my-settings', [
	'title' => 'My Settings',
	'fields' => [
		'content' => [
			'type' => 'string',
			'default' => 'My settings content',

Supported Controls

Core controls

Most WordPress core control component types are supported. Available props can be found for each component in the WordPress block editor reference guide:

  • text
  • toggle
  • checkbox
  • number
  • unit
  • range
  • textarea
  • select - (with additional support for React Select props, e.g. creatable, searchable, multiple, etc.)

Custom controls

  • image
  • embed
  • gallery
  • icon
  • color
  • repeater
    • subfields: array
    • sortable: boolean
    • direction: string (row|column)

Utility functions

  • register_block: string $id, array $args
    • Registers a block with the given id and options.
  • register_meta_box: string $id, array $args
    • Registers a meta box with the given id and options.
  • register_settings: string $id, array $args
    • Registers a settings panel with the given id and options.
  • get_icon: string $set, string $name, $size = null
    • Returns svg icon markup.
  • block_is_rendering_preview
    • Used in block render callback to determine if block is being rendered in the editor preview.


WordPress custom fields library. Easily create custom meta boxes, blocks and plugin settings with PHP.







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