This is an extension pack for Visual Studio Code that is specifically designed to help Go developers be productive and efficient in their development work. The extension pack includes a carefully curated set of extensions that are designed to work together seamlessly to provide a comprehensive set of tools and features for working with Go code.
To install the Awesome Go Development Extension Pack, follow these simple steps:
- Open Visual Studio Code and click on the "Extensions" icon in the sidebar.
- In the search bar, type "Awesome Go Development" and press enter.
- Click on the "Install" button next to the extension pack.
- Wait for the installation to complete.
- Append or replace your settings.json file with the settings provided
- awehook.vscode-blink-mind: Provides a mind mapping tool to help you organize your thoughts and ideas.
- bierner.markdown-mermaid: Create diagrams and flowcharts in Markdown files using the Mermaid syntax.
- eamodio.gitlens: Provides advanced Git functionality, including blame annotations, code lens, and repository history.
- EliverLara.andromeda: A vibrant and dark color theme for VS Code.
- euskadi31.json-pretty-printer: Helps you format and prettify JSON files for better readability.
- fehey.brackets-light-pro: A simple and elegant light color theme for VS Code.
- formulahendry.code-runner: Run code snippets directly within VS Code.
- golang.go: An official extension from the Go team at Google, providing syntax highlighting, code completion, debugging, testing, formatting, and more.
- johnpapa.vscode-peacock: Customize the color of your VS Code workspace.
- josephcz.vscode-markdown-mindmap-preview: Provides a preview of Markdown files as a mind map.
- k--kato.intellij-idea-keybindings: Provides the IntelliJ IDEA keybindings for VS Code.
- maracko.json-to-go: Convert JSON to Go struct.
- mhutchie.git-graph: Provides an interactive Git history graph.
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers: Develop inside a container running your application's environment.
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh: Use SSH to connect to and work on remote machines.
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit: Open any file on a remote machine using SSH.
- ms-vscode.remote-explorer: Browse and interact with files on remote machines.
- ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare: Bollaborate on code in real-time with other developers.
- premparihar.gotestexplorer: Provides an interface for running and managing Go tests.
- redhat.vscode-yaml: Provides syntax highlighting and validation for YAML files.
- trybick.terminal-zoom: Zoom the terminal in and out using the keyboard.
- wraith13.zoombar-vscode: Provides a zoom bar for the editor.
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one: Provides a range of tools for working with Markdown files, including table of contents, math typesetting, and more.
"workbench.colorTheme": "Andromeda",
"update.mode": "start",
"liveshare.presence": false,
"git.autofetch": false,
"json-to-go.inputSource": "clipboard",
"terminal.integrated.fontSize": 15,
"window.zoomLevel": -2,
"files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
"editor.stickyScroll.enabled": true,
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"editor.fontSize": 18,
"editor.renderWhitespace": "selection",
"workbench.activityBar.visible": true,
"workbench.tree.indent": 10,
"workbench.preferredLightColorTheme": "Brackets Light Pro",
"workbench.preferredDarkColorTheme": "Andromeda",
"workbench.sideBar.location": "right",
"workbench.editor.highlightModifiedTabs": true,
"diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,
"diffEditor.maxComputationTime": 0,
"diffEditor.renderSideBySide": true,
"debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere": true,
"debug.inlineValues": "on",
"debug.toolBarLocation": "docked",
"debug.console.closeOnEnd": true,
"editor.cursorBlinking": "phase",
"editor.rulers": [
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Andromeda]": {
"tab.activeBackground": "#0b4c5e",
"tree.indentGuidesStroke": "#ffffff",
"statusBar.background": "#0b4c5e",
"breadcrumb.background": "#0b4c5e",
"activityBar.background": "#0b4c5e",
"tab.inactiveBackground": "#062730",
"sideBar.foreground": "#fffefc",
"menu.selectionBackground": "#0b4c5e",
"menu.selectionBorder": "#ffffff",
"list.hoverBackground": "#168eaf",
"contrastBorder": "#08333f",
"focusBorder": "#0a3f4e",
"foreground": "#ffffff",
"widget.shadow": "#207f99",
"scrollbarSlider.background": "#186d85",
"scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground": "#186d85",
"sideBar.background": "#0e3e4b",
"editorGroup.emptyBackground": "#0e3e4b",
"gitlens.currentLine.format": "${author, } | ${date} | ${working} ${message}",
"gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command": "gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails",
"gitlens.codeLens.authors.command": "gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails",
"gitlens.statusBar.format": "| ${author}, | ${agoOrDate}${' via 'pullRequest} |",
"gitlens.blame.format": "${message|50?} ${agoOrDate|14-}${tips}${originalPath}",
"remote.SSH.defaultExtensions": [
"go.toolsManagement.autoUpdate": true,
"go.useLanguageServer": true,
"gopls": {
"formatting.gofumpt": true,
"peacock.favoriteColors": [
"name": "Angular Red",
"value": "#dd0531"
"name": "Vue Green",
"value": "#42b883"
settings.json explained
- "workbench.colorTheme": "Andromeda": Sets the color theme of the IDE to Andromeda.
- "update.mode": "start": Configures the update mode to check for updates at startup.
- "liveshare.presence": false: Disables the presence feature in Live Share.
- "git.autofetch": false: Disables automatic fetching of Git repositories.
- "json-to-go.inputSource": "clipboard": Sets the input source for the JSON to Go extension to the clipboard.
- "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 15: Sets the font size of the integrated terminal to 15.
- "window.zoomLevel": -2: Sets the zoom level of the IDE to -2.
- "files.autoSave": "afterDelay": Enables auto-saving of files after a delay.
- "editor.stickyScroll.enabled": true: Enables sticky scroll behavior for the editor.
- "editor.formatOnSave": true: Enables formatting of the editor contents on save.
- "editor.minimap.enabled": false: Disables the minimap in the editor.
- "editor.formatOnPaste": true: Enables formatting of pasted contents in the editor.
- "editor.fontSize": 18: Sets the font size of the editor to 18.
- "editor.renderWhitespace": "selection": Renders whitespace characters only for the selected line.
- "workbench.activityBar.visible": true: Makes the activity bar visible in the IDE.
- "workbench.tree.indent": 10: Sets the indentation for the workbench tree to 10 pixels.
- "workbench.preferredLightColorTheme": "Brackets Light Pro": Sets the preferred light color theme of the IDE to Brackets Light Pro.
- "workbench.preferredDarkColorTheme": "Andromeda": Sets the preferred dark color theme of the IDE to Andromeda.
- "workbench.sideBar.location": "right": Sets the location of the sidebar to the right.
- "workbench.editor.highlightModifiedTabs": true: Highlights modified tabs in the editor.
- "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false: Enables consideration of whitespace characters in the diff editor.
- "diffEditor.maxComputationTime": 0: Sets the maximum computation time for the diff editor to 0.
- "diffEditor.renderSideBySide": true: Enables rendering of the diff editor side by side.
- "debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere": true: Allows setting breakpoints everywhere in the IDE.
- "debug.inlineValues": "on": Enables inline display of values during debugging.
- "debug.toolBarLocation": "docked": Sets the location of the debug toolbar to docked.
- "debug.console.closeOnEnd": true: Closes the debug console when debugging ends.
- "editor.cursorBlinking": "phase": Configures the cursor blinking style to phase.
- "editor.rulers": [80]: Sets the rulers for the editor to 80 pixels.
- "workbench.colorCustomizations": {...}: Customizes the color theme of the IDE for the Andromeda theme.
- "gitlens.currentLine.format": "${author, } | ${date} | ${working} ${message}": Configures the format of the GitLens current line.
- "gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command": "gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails": Configures the command for the recent changes GitLens code lens.
- "gitlens.codeLens.authors.command": "gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails": Configures the command for the authors