Project Targon - is a subnetwork of the bittensor finney protocol. It is designed to faciliate the inference of multi modality LLMs for high throughput search.
pip install -e .
This project is currently in an experimental state with rapid development occuring.
python targon/validator/ YOUR_NAME --wallet.hotkey YOUR_HOTKEY --netuid 4
run the model endpoint script so you can run vllm endpoint for the model. remember to change the --sybil.api_url to the correct url for your vllm instance.
then once this is running, start the miner.
If you are wanting to run link prediction right now (currently experimental and not validated, include your serp api key like --sybil.serp_api_key)
python miners/sybil/ YOUR_NAME --wallet.hotkey YOUR_HOTKEY --netuid 4 --sybil.api_url YOUR_URL
import asyncio
import bittensor as bt
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from PIL import Image
from targon.protocol import TargonQA, TargonLinkPrediction, TargonSearchResult, TargonDendrite, TargonSearchResultStream
subtensor = bt.subtensor( network = 'finney' )
metagraph = subtensor.metagraph( netuid = 4 )
# find all hotkeys with an axon ip
wallet = bt.wallet( name="YOUR_NAME", hotkey="HOTKEY_NAME" )
dendrite = TargonDendrite( wallet = wallet )
async def fetch(synapse):
responses = await dendrite(
if type(synapse) == TargonSearchResultStream:
async for token in responses:
print(token, end="", flush=True)
# else:
# print(responses)
# async for token in responses:
# print(token, end="", flush=True) # or handle the token as needed
return responses
axons = [axon for axon in metagraph.axons]
question = "what is happening in the sbf trial?"
sources_synapse = TargonLinkPrediction( query=question )
sources_response =
sources = sources_response[0].results
search_synapse = TargonSearchResultStream( query=question, sources=sources, stream=True )