Shows virtual text of the current context after functions, methods, statements, etc.
Use your favourite package manager and install treesitter alongside this plugin. No configuration is required out of the box.
To customize the behavior use the setup function:
-- Enable by default. You can disable and use :NvimContextVtToggle to maually enable.
-- Default: true
enabled = true,
-- Override default virtual text prefix
-- Default: '-->'
prefix = '',
-- Override the internal highlight group name
-- Default: 'ContextVt'
highlight = 'CustomContextVt',
-- Disable virtual text for given filetypes
-- Default: { 'markdown' }
disable_ft = { 'markdown' },
-- Disable display of virtual text below blocks for indentation based languages like Python
-- Default: false
disable_virtual_lines = false,
-- Same as above but only for spesific filetypes
-- Default: {}
disable_virtual_lines_ft = { 'yaml' },
-- How many lines required after starting position to show virtual text
-- Default: 1 (equals two lines total)
min_rows = 1,
-- Same as above but only for spesific filetypes
-- Default: {}
min_rows_ft = {},
-- Custom virtual text node parser callback
-- Default: nil
custom_parser = function(node, ft, opts)
local utils = require('nvim_context_vt.utils')
-- If you return `nil`, no virtual text will be displayed.
if node:type() == 'function' then
return nil
-- This is the standard text
return '--> ' .. utils.get_node_text(node)[1]
-- Custom node validator callback
-- Default: nil
custom_validator = function(node, ft, opts)
-- Internally a node is matched against min_rows and configured targets
local default_validator = require('nvim_context_vt.utils').default_validator
if default_validator(node, ft) then
-- Custom behaviour after using the internal validator
if node:type() == 'function' then
return false
return true
-- Custom node virtual text resolver callback
-- Default: nil
custom_resolver = function(nodes, ft, opts)
-- By default the last node is used
return nodes[#nodes]
- Enable/disable context virtual text
If you don't see the expected context vitual text, run :NvimContextVtDebug
to print out the
context tree. Use this information to open a pull-request or an issue to add support.