lpx_links is a utility to get the direct download links for the additional sample/sound content for Logic Pro X.
- It gets the most current links
- Creates a text file with all the links in them
- Importing the links file into a download manager like the DownThemAll addon for FireFox should work well
Includes Mandatory only list. Thanks to Matteo Ceruti aka Matatata for the idea.
0.0.9 - fixes issue where the install script attempted to re-download the pkg files 🤦
0.0.8 - adds logic to resolve relative parents in download URLs & Readme updates.
0.0.7 - added mandatory file list & refactor of code.
0.0.6 - added version detection. Any version of Logic Pro X should work now.
Simply open the terminal and paste the command below.
cd ~/Downloads; mkdir -p lpx_links/app ; cd lpx_links/app ; curl -#L https://goo.gl/nUrpPi | tar -xzv --strip-components 1 ; ./lpx_links.rb
To download I recommend using aria2
Download & install - aria2 ver1.33.0 installer
Then in the Terminal
To only download the mandatory files (32)
aria2c -c --auto-file-renaming=false -i ~/Desktop/lpx_download_links/mandatory_download_links.txt -d ~/Downloads/logic_content
To download all the packages
aria2c -c --auto-file-renaming=false -i ~/Desktop/lpx_download_links/all_download_links.txt -d ~/Downloads/logic_content
- -c tells aria2 to continue/resume downloads
- --auto-file-renaming=false ensures that files will never be redownloaded if they already exist in the target directory
- -i is the path to the file with list of downloads
- -d is the path to where you want the downloaded files
To install all the downloaded packages use the following command:
For mandatory files
sudo ~/Downloads/lpx_links/app/install.sh ~/Desktop/lpx_download_links/mandatory_download_links.txt ~/Downloads/logic_content
For all the packages
sudo ~/Downloads/lpx_links/app/install.sh ~/Desktop/lpx_download_links/all_download_links.txt ~/Downloads/logic_content
Want to contribute? Fork and let me know.
GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0)