Software repository for team 26106 Emberbots - Fremont High School, Sunnyvale CA for the 2024-2025 FTC game "Into The Deep"
Files currently maintained for competition (/comp_ready/)
TeleOp OpMode
Current Auton OpModes (T_ indicates the tiles from the left of the field)
Full control by a driver and arm operator
- Slowmode for the driver
- Scaled down strafe and rotate function for the arm operator (whichever driver's input is greater will be taken)
- Viperslide presets
- Customized intake/outtake behaviour based on drivers' preference
- Software limits on both the rotator and viperslide
Autonomous OpModes to score in the high basket
- Precise forward and backward movement utilizing encoders
- Precise turning in degrees utilizing the IMU
- Full rotator, viperslide, and wrist movement to successfully score a sample in the high basket
- Reset to prepare for TeleOp
- Auton Abort to outtake and reset if time is low