General purpose library for EOSIO blockchains.
EOSIO/eosjs | Npm | EOSIO/eos | Docker Hub |
tag: 15.0.2 | npm install eosjs (version 15) |
tag: v1.0.7 | eosio/eos:v1.0.7 |
Release notes:
- [email protected] is compatible with eosio v1.0.5 - v1.0.7
- Converted some types in format module from unsigned to signed: UDecimalPad -> DecimalPad for example (15.0.1)
- All
amounts require exact decimal places (Change1 SYS
to1.0000 SYS
) (15.0.0) - Use
instead ofconfig.debug
Prior version matrix.
- Install with:
npm install eosjs
- Html script tag, see releases for the correct version and its matching script integrity hash.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="[email protected]/lib/eos.min.js"
eos = Eos({
httpEndpoint: '',
chainId: '038f4b0fc8ff18a4f0842a8f0564611f6e96e8535901dd45e43ac8691a1c4dca',
verbose: true
See console object: Eos
Ways to instantiate eosjs.
Eos = require('eosjs')
// Private key or keys (array) provided statically or by way of a function.
// For multiple keys, the get_required_keys API is used (more on that below).
keyProvider: '5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3'
// Localhost Testnet (run ./docker/
eos = Eos({keyProvider})
// Connect to a testnet or mainnet
eos = Eos({httpEndpoint, chainId, keyProvider})
// Cold-storage
eos = Eos({httpEndpoint: null, chainId, keyProvider})
// Read-only instance when 'eosjs' is already a dependency
eos = Eos.modules.api({/*config*/})
// Read-only instance when an application never needs to write (smaller library)
EosApi = require('eosjs-api')
eos = EosApi({/*config*/})
No-arguments prints usage.
getBlock - Fetch a block from the blockchain.
"block_num_or_id": "string"
Start a nodeosd process. The docker in this repository provides a setup the supports the examples in this README.
cd ./docker && ./
All functions read only or transactional follow this pattern for parameters.
// If the last argument is a function it is treated as a callback
eos.getBlock(1, (error, result) => {})
// If a callback is not provided, a Promise is returned
eos.getBlock(1) // @returns {Promise}
// Parameters can be positional or an object
eos.getBlock({block_num_or_id: 1})
// An API with no parameters is invoked with an empty object or callback (avoids logging usage)
eos.getInfo({}) // @returns {Promise}
eos.getInfo((error, result) => { console.log(error, result) })
Chain and history API functions are available after creating the eos
API methods and documentation are generated from the chain and history json files.
Until we generate a markdown for these, please convert the names in these json to camel case functions.
"get_info": ..
Eos = require('eosjs')
// Default configuration (additional options below)
config = {
chainId: null, // 32 byte (64 char) hex string
keyProvider: ['PrivateKeys...'], // WIF string or array of keys..
httpEndpoint: '',
expireInSeconds: 60,
broadcast: true,
verbose: false, // API activity
sign: true
eos = Eos(config)
- Unique ID for the blockchain you're connecting too. This is required for valid transaction signing. The chainId is provided via the get_info API call.Identifies a chain by its initial genesis block. All transactions signed will only be valid the blockchain with this chainId. Verify the chainId for security reasons.
- Provides private keys used to sign transaction. If multiple private keys are found, the APIget_required_keys
is called to discover which signing keys to use. If a function is provided, this function is called for each transaction. -
- http or https location of a nodeosd server providing a chain API. When using eosjs from a browser remember to configure the same origin policy in nodeosd or proxy server. For testing, nodeosd configurationaccess-control-allow-origin = *
could be used.Set this value to null for a cold-storage (no network) configuration.
- number of seconds before the transaction will expire. The time is based on the nodeosd's clock. An unexpired transaction that may have had an error is a liability until the expiration is reached, this time should be brief. -
- post the transaction to the blockchain. Use false to obtain a fully signed transaction. -
- verbose logging such as API activity. -
- low level debug logging (serialization). -
- sign the transaction with a private key. Leaving a transaction unsigned avoids the need to provide a private key. -
mockTransactions (advanced)
mockTransactions: () => null // 'pass', or 'fail'
- do not broadcast, always pretend that the transaction workedfail
- do not broadcast, pretend the transaction failednull|undefined
- broadcast as usual
transactionHeaders (advanced) - manually calculate transaction header. This may be provided so eosjs does not need to make header related API calls to nodeos. Used in environments like cold-storage. This callback is called for every transaction. Headers are documented here eosjs-api#headers.
transactionHeaders: (expireInSeconds, callback) => {callback(null/*error*/, headers)}
logger - default logging configuration.
logger: { log: config.verbose ? console.log : null, error: console.error // null to disable }
Turn off all error logging:
config.logger = {error: null}
Options may be provided after parameters.
options = {
authorization: 'alice@active',
broadcast: true,
sign: true
eos.transfer('alice', 'bob', '1.0000 SYS', '', options)
- identifies the signing account and permission typically in a multisig configuration. Authorization may be a string formatted asaccount@permission
or anobject<{actor: account, permission}>
.- If missing default authorizations will be calculated.
- If provided additional authorizations will not be added.
- Performs deterministic sorting by account name
If a default authorization is calculated the action's 1st field must be an account_name. The account_name in the 1st field gets added as the active key authorization for the action.
- post the transaction to the blockchain. Use false to obtain a fully signed transaction. -
- sign the transaction with a private key. Leaving a transaction unsigned avoids the need to provide a private key.
The transaction function accepts the standard blockchain transaction.
Required transaction header fields will be added unless your signing without a network connection (httpEndpoint == null). In that case provide you own headers:
// only needed in cold-storage or for offline transactions
const headers = {
expiration: '2018-06-14T18:16:10'
ref_block_num: 1,
ref_block_prefix: 452435776
Create and send (broadcast) a transaction:
/** @return {Promise} */
// ...headers,
actions: [
account: 'eosio.token',
name: 'transfer',
authorization: [{
actor: 'inita',
permission: 'active'
data: {
from: 'inita',
to: 'initb',
quantity: '7.0000 SYS',
memo: ''
// options -- example: {broadcast: false}
More concise functions are provided for applications that may use actions more frequently. This avoids having lots of JSON in the code.
// Run with no arguments to print usage.
// Callback is last, when omitted a promise is returned
eos.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.0000 SYS', '', (error, result) => {})
eos.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.1000 SYS', '') // @returns {Promise}
// positional parameters
eos.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.2000 SYS', '')
// named parameters
eos.transfer({from: 'inita', to: 'initb', quantity: '1.3000 SYS', memo: ''})
// options appear after parameters
options = {broadcast: true, sign: true}
// `false` is a shortcut for {broadcast: false}
eos.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.4000 SYS', '', false)
Read-write API methods and documentation are generated from the eosio token and system.
Assets amounts require zero padding. For a better user-experience, if you know the correct precision you may use DecimalPad to add the padding.
DecimalPad = Eos.modules.format.DecimalPad
userInput = '10.2'
precision = 4
assert.equal('10.2000', DecimalPad(userInput, precision))
For more advanced signing, see keyProvider
and signProvider
Shorthand is available for some types such as Asset and Authority. This syntax
is only for concise functions and does not work when providing entire transaction
objects to eos.transaction
For example:
- permission
- authority
expands{threshold: 1, keys: [{key: 'EOS6MRy..', weight: 1}]}
- authority
expands{threshold: 1, accounts: [{permission: {actor: 'inita', permission: 'active'}, weight: 1}]}
New accounts will likely require some staked tokens for RAM and bandwidth.
wif = '5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3'
pubkey = 'EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV'
eos.transaction(tr => {
creator: 'eosio',
name: 'myaccount',
owner: pubkey,
active: pubkey
payer: 'eosio',
receiver: 'myaccount',
bytes: 8192
from: 'eosio',
receiver: 'myaccount',
stake_net_quantity: '10.0000 SYS',
stake_cpu_quantity: '10.0000 SYS',
transfer: 0
Deploy and call smart contracts.
If you're loading a wasm file, you do not need binaryen. If you're loading a wast file you can include and configure the binaryen compiler, this is used to compile to wasm automatically when calling setcode.
Versions of binaryen may be problematic.
$ npm install [email protected]
binaryen = require('binaryen')
eos = Eos({keyProvider, binaryen})
wasm = fs.readFileSync(`docker/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.wasm`)
abi = fs.readFileSync(`docker/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.abi`)
// Publish contract to the blockchain
eos.setcode('myaccount', 0, 0, wasm) // @returns {Promise}
eos.setabi('myaccount', JSON.parse(abi)) // @returns {Promise}
// @returns {Promise}
eos.contract('myaccount', [options], [callback])
// Run immediately, `myaction` returns a Promise
eos.contract('myaccount').then(myaccount => myaccount.myaction(..))
// Group actions. `transaction` returns a Promise but `myaction` does not
eos.transaction('myaccount', myaccount => { myaccount.myaction(..) })
// Transaction with multiple contracts
eos.transaction(['myaccount', 'myaccount2'], ({myaccount, myaccount2}) => {
eos = Eos({httpEndpoint: null})
abi = fs.readFileSync(`docker/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.abi`)
eos.fc.abiCache.abi('myaccount', JSON.parse(abi))
// Check that the ABI is available (print usage)
eos.contract('myaccount').then(myaccount => myaccount.create())
// Prepare headers
expireInSeconds = 60 * 60 // 1 hour
eos = Eos(/* {httpEndpoint: 'https://..'} */)
info = await eos.getInfo({})
chainDate = new Date(info.head_block_time + 'Z')
expiration = new Date(chainDate.getTime() + expireInSeconds * 1000)
expiration = expiration.toISOString().split('.')[0]
block = await eos.getBlock(info.last_irreversible_block_num)
transactionHeaders = {
ref_block_num: info.last_irreversible_block_num & 0xFFFF,
ref_block_prefix: block.ref_block_prefix
// OFFLINE (bring `transactionHeaders`)
// All keys in keyProvider will sign.
eos = Eos({httpEndpoint: null, chainId, keyProvider, transactionHeaders})
transfer = await eos.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.0000 SYS', '')
transferTransaction = transfer.transaction
// ONLINE (bring `transferTransaction`)
eos = Eos(/* {httpEndpoint: 'https://..'} */)
processedTransaction = await eos.pushTransaction(transferTransaction)
// more on the contract / transaction syntax
await eos.transaction('myaccount', myaccount => {
// Create the initial token with its max supply
// const options = {authorization: 'myaccount'} // default
myaccount.create('myaccount', '10000000.000 TOK')//, options)
// Issue some of the max supply for circulation into an arbitrary account
myaccount.issue('myaccount', '10000.000 TOK', 'issue')
const balance = await eos.getCurrencyBalance('myaccount', 'myaccount', 'TOK')
console.log('Currency Balance', balance)
Other ways to use contracts and transactions.
// if either transfer fails, both will fail (1 transaction, 2 messages)
await eos.transaction(eos =>
eos.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.0000 SYS', ''/*memo*/)
eos.transfer('inita', 'initc', '1.0000 SYS', ''/*memo*/)
// Returning a promise is optional (but handled as expected)
// [options],
// [callback]
// transaction on a single contract
await eos.transaction('myaccount', myaccount => {
myaccount.transfer('myaccount', 'inita', '10.000 TOK@myaccount', '')
// mix contracts in the same transaction
await eos.transaction(['myaccount', 'eosio.token'], ({myaccount, eosio_token}) => {
myaccount.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.000 TOK@myaccount', '')
eosio_token.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.0000 SYS', '')
// The contract method does not take an array so must be called once for
// each contract that is needed.
const myaccount = await eos.contract('myaccount')
await myaccount.transfer('myaccount', 'inita', '1.000 TOK', '')
// a transaction to a contract instance can specify multiple actions
await myaccount.transaction(myaccountTr => {
myaccountTr.transfer('inita', 'initb', '1.000 TOK', '')
myaccountTr.transfer('initb', 'inita', '1.000 TOK', '')
From time-to-time the eosjs and nodeos binary format will change between releases
so you may need to start nodeos
with the --skip-transaction-signatures
to get your transactions to pass.
Note, package.json
has a "main" pointing to ./lib
. The ./lib
folder is for
es2015 code built in a separate step. If you're changing and testing code,
import from ./src
Eos = require('./src')
// forceActionDataHex = false helps transaction readability but may trigger back-end bugs
config = {verbose: true, debug: false, broadcast: true, forceActionDataHex: true, keyProvider}
eos = Eos(config)
The eos
instance can provide serialization:
// 'asset' is a type but could be any struct or type like: transaction or uint8
type = {type: 1, data: '00ff'}
buffer = eos.fc.toBuffer('extensions_type', type)
assert.deepEqual(type, eos.fc.fromBuffer('extensions_type', buffer))
// ABI Serialization
eos.contract('eosio.token', (error, eosio_token) => {
create = {issuer: 'inita', maximum_supply: '1.0000 SYS'}
buffer = eosio_token.fc.toBuffer('create', create)
assert.deepEqual(create, eosio_token.fc.fromBuffer('create', buffer))
Use Node v10+ for package-lock.json
These libraries are integrated into eosjs
seamlessly so you probably do not
need to use them directly. They are exported here giving more API access or
in some cases may be used standalone.
var {format, api, ecc, json, Fcbuffer} = Eos.modules
format ./
- Blockchain name validation
- Asset string formatting
- Remote API to an EOS blockchain node (nodeos)
- Use this library directly if you need read-only access to the blockchain (don't need to sign transactions).
- Private Key, Public Key, Signature, AES, Encryption / Decryption
- Validate public or private keys
- Encrypt or decrypt with EOS compatible checksums
- Calculate a shared secret
- Blockchain definitions (api method names, blockchain schema)
- private key storage and key management
- Binary serialization used by the blockchain
- Clients sign the binary form of the transaction
- Allows client to know what it is signing
Node and browser (es2015)