Load json configuration file, and setup a spring WebMvcConfigurer to control CROS.
Hi everyone: I use this plugin with Spring Boot, to make a WebMvcConfigurer bean can load an outside json config file like this to control CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) feature in Spring MVC.
/* The configuraton of CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).
- configuration file for: plugin-fangoly-spring-web-mvc-configurer / [ { / CORS mapping / mapping: "/hotels/.json", /* allowed origins, string array / allowedOrigins: [], / allowed credentials, boolean / allowCredentials: false, / allowed headers, string array / allowedHeaders: [], / allowed methods, string array / allowedMethods: [], / exposed headers, string array / exposedHeaders: [], / max age, long */ maxAge: null } ]
And you can put this code in your spring configuration xml file to load the component FangolySpringMvnConfiguer.
<context:component-scan base-package="com.fanerp.fangoly.spring.mvc.config"></context:component-scan>
Or use annotations list this before a Configuration class definition.
@SpringBootApplication @ComponentScan(basePackages={"com.fanerp.fangoly.spring.mvc.config"}) public class ConfigurationDef {