This library is a standalone library designed for all java evnironments. The library acts as a client for the Kinvey REST api and can be used for building Android apps and Java6 server applications.
It is recommended you use either IntelliJ or Android Studio. Eclipse is NOT recommended.
Refer for complete documentation of the library APIs and usage.
The codebase is made of the following key projects at the top level (under java-library):
The core of the library. Most of the library logic is written here. This project contains most of the underlying networking, user management, caching logic. Things that are platform specific (android-specific or standalone-java-specific) are represented as interfaces / abstract classes, and implemented in the other libraries described below.
The wrapper library for android, built on top of java-api-core. All the android specific implementation goes here. Most of the classes in this library extend from the ones in java-api-core.
Encryption module built on top of android-lib. Rarely used; not compiled into the standard build process. This may be requested by certain customers who need encryption in their app.
Samples built on top of the libraries. This is a submodule, the full source for samples is under
- android sdk
- Download android_sdk/platforms/android-19, android_sdk/platforms/android-10
./gradlew clean
./gradlew release
After these steps .zip with generated .aar and .jar files should be in the directory: /release/zipped
./gradlew test jacocoTestReport
Before running the tests:
- Connect android device or start emulator with min SDK version 15
- Add app.key and app.secret to android-lib/src/androidTest/assets/
- Create User with username: test password: test in your console app
- Custom endpoints tests and Social networks tests should be configured additionally
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest --info
<devcenter.home> should be located in this relative path ../../<java-library.home>
cd <devcenter.home>
git pull devcenter
cd <java-library.home>
./gradlew release
After these steps the generated Javadocs should be in the directory: /content
cd <java-library.home>
./gradlew release
After these steps .zip with generated .aar and .jar files should be in the directory: /release/zipped
Find and replace the library's version number in build.gradle of the project’s directory and double check/update location
git pull devcenter
cd <java-library.home>
./gradlew release
.zip with generated .aar and .jar files should be in the directory: /release/zipped
Login to AWS S3 and upload zip from trunk/release
cd <devcenter.home>
npm start
If you have strange errors from above, try:
npm install
npm update
cd <devcenter.home>/content/downloads
Update changelog:
- modify links in content/downloads.json
- modify links in content/downloads/android-changelog.json
- modify links in content/downloads/android-v3.0-changelog.json
You can see Javadocs changes in your browser at localhost:3000
Test locally devcenter and java-library
Commit changes
Push to origin master
Copyright 2014 Kinvey, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
See for details on reporting bugs and making contributions.