Hello world welcome to our personal peer project of creating a replica of the printf
function in c.
The project will entail all the process used to make a custom _printf
, that has the same behaviour as the C standard libray printf
Starting point, will be using this prototype as our starting point.
int _printf(const char *format, ...);
- Below are some of the functionality and use cases of our custom
All right lets dive in and have fun while at it.. - Have included a
file on the repo under the test folder to run the program and also use the_printf
functionality. - For Window users you will have to use the following command to compile the code to have an executable file.
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -std=gnu89 -o _printf
There you go you have a new replica of theprintf
c library function.
Basic usage: _printf("Format String", arg1, arg2, arg3, ...);
means indefinite number of arguments.
Basic String:
_printf("%s World\n", "Hello");
Hello World
Print Integers:
_printf("Hey i am an integer [%i]\n", 34);
Hey i am an integer [34]
There is more than this two options more will be described below, some include something like b, S, p, x and X
. Not to worry will discuss this later.
Return value of the _printf()
number of bytes written on the standard output upon success, -1
failure of during program execution.
Syntax for format specifiers almost the same as the one for printf
, just added a few new custom format specifiers.
_printf("%[specifier]\n", data);
A specifier will be used to invoke the builtin function to execute the exepected result. The format specifier is used to signal the _printf
function what to do with the data passed to it for processing and formating.
Now the fun part begins
Specifier[letters] | Example | Output |
d |
Signed integer -23 | 23 |
i |
Signed integer 45 | 45 |
u |
Usigned integer 344 | 344 |
b |
Binary representation of 98 | 1100010 |
x |
Hexadecimal representation of 62 | 3e |
X |
Hexadecimal_Caps representation of 62 | 3E |
o |
Octal representation 45 | 55 |
s |
String of characters | Hello world |
c |
Characters | c |
S |
Non-printable chars \n |
\0xA |
r |
Reverse string | dlrow elloh |
R |
Rot13 String translation | xabj |
p |
Memory addresses | 0x34323 |
Dont forget that all the format specifiers should be prefixed with the %
sign in order for them to work.
Here is a walk through of all the files and their functionality in the making of the printf project.
Name | Information | Relavant Functions |
./test |
Directory with all the main.c files to test the whole program |
adv_main.c |
main.h |
Header files contiaining all the standard library files, structers and all the files prototypes | *.c |
_printf.c |
Starting point for the whole project which will be used to check and call all the relevant function | _prntf , _reverse_arg , digit_counter , _abs , _percent_arg |
_printf_spec_func.c |
Has some more specifier functions which will be called according to the format specifier passed by the user | _digit_arg , _pointer_hex_arg , _unsigned_arg , _string_arg , _char_arg |
_more_printf_spec_func.c |
Again some more list of all the specifier functions which are pretty self explanatory when you read them through | _low_hex_arg , _upper_hex_arg , _octal_arg , _binary_arg , _rot13_arg |
_helper_func.c |
Include some shortened functions which can later be called multiple times in other files and functions | get_val_ULINT , get_val_UINT , write_buffer , create_heap_mem , _isUINT |
more_helper_func.c |
Some more helper functions to be used all over the program files | get_converters_val , create_special_heap , digit_long_counter , _puts , _strlen |
get_hex_val.c |
An extension of the _custom_spec_func.c which includes functions which are in relation with it |
get_hex_val , _get_base , base_len |
_custom_spec_func.c |
Contains all the files which make it possible for all to work with the %S function |
_no_printable_arg , fill_no_printable_buff , _is_printable , _swap_func |
All functions mentioned above are well desciribed inside where they are defined and what they do.
List of all the c libray used to make the project.
write (man 2 write)
, malloc (man 3 malloc)
, free (man 3 free)
, va_start (man 3 va_start)
, va_end (man 3 va_end)
, va_copy (man 3 va_copy)
, va_arg (man 3 va_arg)
Thanks for reading upto here have fun while at it.👋