A small test app that tries to load a USBDriverKit system extension
You will want to edit the Info.plist of the DriverKit extension to match the Vendor ID and Product ID of a test device you have. Then after you activate the extension, attach the USB device and your DriverKit application should start on demand.
- Xcode: PROJECT: USBApp > Build Settings > Signing > Code Signing Identity > Sign to Run Locally
- Xcode: TARGETS: USBApp > Build Settings > Signing > Code Signing Identity > Sign to Run Locally
- Xcode: TARGETS: USBApp > Build Phases > Embed System Extensions > [ x ] Copy only when installing
Now you can run it from within Xcode.
- Problem: Hit button Activate: Does not work, will fails with "didFailWithError " see Xcode console.
- Solution: (not found so far)