This is a collection of articles, books, video's, insights and some fun stuff.
- Get IP
- REST and API design
- Domain-Driven Refactoring - Jimmy Bogard - NDC London 2022
- The Fundamentals Of Software Development - Martin Fowler In The Engineering Room Ep. 1
- Moving 17 years of old legacy code and websites into the Cloud - Scott Hanselman at NDC Porto 2022
- The Development Abstraction Layer - Joel on Software
- Hanselman on the background of WSL
- Packer
- AWS-Get-Started
- info on refactoring and design principles
- Vagrant Samples - Gusztav Varga
- Nuke - The Continuous Improver
- dotnetrocks podcast -
- Pull requests stop - Dave Farley
- The 10 REST Commandments
- Douglas Adams' SEP field - Somebody Else’s Problem
- Spectre.Console
- How to Write a Git Commit Message
- GitPod
- Null Object Design Pattern
- HashiCorp has a demo app they test everything with
- Columns of a Constant Length
- Google's Playground
related to Scrum, Agile, Continuous Deliver, XP, etc.
How complex is it? How long will it take? When will it be done? - Doc Norton
To slice stories, first make sure they are TOO BIG - Gojko Adzic
The Dehumanisation of Agile and Objects • James Coplien • GOTO 2017 - Movie
Gereric rules for ways of working
- FrequencyReducesDifficulty - Martin Fowler
- Joel on software - Painless Bug Tracking
- Happiness Metric
- The Automattic Creed
- Conways Law
- Chewbacca defense
- Normalization of deviance
- new future work - Sam Harris
- Perceived Barriers to Trunk Based Development - Dave Farley’s Weblog
- McGurk effect - Auditory Illusion - BBC Horizon Clip
- SREcon19 Europe/Middle East/Africa - Pushing through Friction
- Avoid These Common Mistakes Junior Developers Make!
Mob programming
- Project Management Certification does not correlate with performance
- Technical leadership and glue work - Tanya Reilly - #LeadDevNewYork
- Guerrilla guide on interviewing - Joel on Software
- Skills Matter (formerly YOW! Conferences) - Woody Zuill
- How To Manage Your Boss! (Managing Up)
- Stable Teams
- TODO: pipeline setup
- Static website hosting in Azure Storage
- Example how to create storage using PWSL
- Azure Cosmos db
- Testing Strategy for DevOps: What to Test and When - Dave Farley
- role of QA in modern software engineering
- Domain Driven Design with BDD
- A Real World Example of BDD - Dave Farley
- Agile testing days - Jez Humble
- The Easiest Way To Compare REST API Responses Using JMeter | Blazemeter by Perforce
- The Chain / Circle of Screaming - How I Met Your Mother
- Spectrum - Talking About Things - Monty Python
- April Fools RFC
- The Website is Down #1: Sales Guy vs. Web Dude
- course the 9 women carrying out a baby in 1 month
- shitcode
- 10 hour siren
- Life of Brian - The People's Front of Judea
- Hurra Torpedo - Total Eclipse Of The Heart (live)