Tarantula is modern tool for managing software testing in agile software projects. It's free, licensed as open source software under GNU GPLv3.
- Recommended platform is CentOS-6.X for i386 Architecture. Tarantula has installation script which automates most of the installation steps for CentOs 6. X86_64 bit Server is not recommended, as it seems to have problems with memcached/passenger subsystems, at least with low memory systems.
- Root Access to Linux
- Access to SMTP Server which doesn’t require authentication. Used for sending new user passwords. If not available, you can install e.g. PostFix on same server and set authenticated mail relay via another server.
Latest Tarantula uses Rails 3.2.* and Ruby 1.9.3. Easiest way to use those in CentOS is using Ruby Version Manager. If you don't already have RVM installed, use following instructions, otherwise skip to Install Tarantula
Install RVM dependencies:
yum install make gcc readline-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel libyaml redhat-lsb
Install RVM system wide:
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | sudo bash -s stable --rails
source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm
Login as root.
Activate required extra repositories:
yum install http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
SELinux has to be in permissive mode to allow Apache web server to run Ruby-on-Rails applications on Passenger module. Edit config file with e.g. nano text editor:
nano /etc/selinux/config
Change SELINUX setting in file to permissive:
Set default Ruby with RVM:
rvm use 1.9.3
Download and execute installation script:
wget https://raw.github.com/prove/tarantula/master/vendor/installer/install.sh
bash install.sh
Some installation tasks (bundler, rubygems may take long time. Please be patient.)
Press Enter to accept default value for user account to be used to run processes:
Which user will be running Tarantula processes? [apache]
After a while, installation is complete:
Done installing packages and Tarantula files
Verify/edit database settings in file: /opt/tarantula/rails/config/database.yml
If db settings are OK run
RAILS_ENV=production rake tarantula:install in Rails root (/opt/tarantula/rails) to initialize DB.
Usable passenger configuration generated to /etc/httpd/conf.d/tarantula.conf
Compile Apache native mod_passenger as root by running:
passenger-install-apache2-module and restart Apache: service httpd restart
You can ignore instructions above. All necessary steps are listed below.
Go to rails directory and run application install script to create databases etc.:
cd /opt/tarantula/rails
RAILS_ENV=production rake tarantula:install
You are prompted for some settings (host running tarantula, email settings etc):
Protocol, host, and port: This is the web address of installed Tarantula. Used in email notifications, e.g. this address is included as link to emails sent to new users. E.g. tarantula.yourdomain.com
Admin Email: System will sent emails using this address as email’s “FROM” field.
SMTP Address: SMTP server address. E.g smtp.yourdomain.com or localhost (if you opt to run local mail service, e.g. postfix).
SMTP Port: Usually 25.
SMTP Domain: E.g. yourdomain.com.
After tarantula:install task is completed, allow access to http port by modifying firewall settings:
Cursor keys can be used to move between choices. Select with space-bar. Press Customize and make sure that WWW (HTTP) is enabled. Press Close, OK and Yes to save new settings.
Set web and sql servers to start on boot:
chkconfig httpd --add
chkconfig --level 35 httpd on
chkconfig mysqld --add
chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on
chkconfig memcached --add
chkconfig --level 35 memcached on
chkconfig delayed_job --add
chkconfig --level 35 delayed_job on
Install passenger module (runs Tarantula Ruby-on-Rails application on top of Apache). You don’t need to do anything after this command, as all apache configuration has been taken care already by previous rake task.
Setup cron for scheduled tasks.
cp /opt/tarantula/rails/config/crontab /etc/cron.d/tarantula
chown root:root /etc/cron.d/tarantula
chmod 0644 /etc/cron.d/tarantula
Everything should be now set. Reboot system to make sure that all services run correctly after it.
After reboot open web browser to tarantula hostname or ip to start using Tarantula. Login with name: admin, password: admin. Please change password on first login.
- integration with Test Automation Tools
- more versalite jira integration
for INSTALL instructions see README_INSTALL.md for REST API see README_REST_API.md for Test Automation tool instructions see README_AT.md for jira integration see README_JIRA.md