lowRISC / bazel-embedded
Forked from bazelembedded/bazel-embeddedTools for embedded/bare-metal development using bazel
64-bit multicore Linux-capable RISC-V processor
Ibex is a small 32 bit RISC-V CPU core, previously known as zero-riscy.
OpenTitan: Open source silicon root of trust
Adding support for LEON3 - LEON5 - NOELV on terasic DE10 nano and DE0 nano boards
Gaisler Leon3 processor on the Digilent Genesys FPGA.
Example TASTE project for LEON3 with direct driver calls and external libraries
This repository contains the design of the ASIST Leon3 processor with AES support
ReonV is a modified version of the Leon3, a synthesisable VHDL model of a 32-bit processor originally compliant with the SPARC V8 architecture, now changed to RISC-V ISA.
open-source IEEE 802.11 WiFi baseband FPGA (chip) design: driver, software
A Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware
Ground station connection/data management software
VNx: Vitis Network Examples
This repo contains the Limago code
上位机软件 这里主要完成算法的处理和界面的显示和控制。 关于算法部分需要后面补充,目前没有完全消化。 处理流程: 1. 初始化USB,然后上位机通过控制端点发送写命令控制字(不加帧头命令)下位机未处理,开启监视工作线程循环,主要内容是:通过控制端点发送读命令控制字,通过控制端点读回串口信息,用来验证设备是否启动握手成功(0X55)。 2. 启动成功后引发响应的启动触发方法。启动触发方法中,先…
本信号处理板主要由FPGA芯片和CYUSB3.0 芯片组成,其中FPGA模块主要完成与相关外设的交互,CYUSB3.0主要完成协议数据的传输。 2.2.1 FPGA模块 处理流程: 1. 链路初始化: 在上位机完成USB固件的下载,并读取固件的信息状态描述后,通过上电复位或者手动复位,通过串口发送0X55给上位机,表明链路打通,一次握手成功。 2. 超声波发射与AD数据接收:在收到上位机通…
Marvell/Aquantia AQC111u MultiGigabit 2.5GbE/5GbE USB3 NIC Driver for XCP-ng
Source and Hardware file of PE1005S camera Module interfacing with Cypress FX3 USB 3.0
FastPath_MP: An FPGA-based multi-path architecture for direct access from FPGA to NVMe SSD