Who needs a website when you have a terminal.
- help: list all commands
- whois mason: learn about me
- whois [partner]: learn about a partner
- cv: list all cv companies
- cv: [company_name]": learn about a cv company
- email: reach out to me
- twitter: twitter account
- instagram: instagram account
- git: this repo
- github: all repos
- test: do not use
- other: try your favorite linux commands
- alias
- cat
- cd
- chmod
- chown
- clear
- cp
- curl
- df
- echo
- emacs
- exit
- fdisk
- find
- finger
- free
- ftp
- grep
- groups
- gzip
- head
- history
- kill
- less
- ls
- man (alias: woman)
- mkdir
- more
- mv
- nano
- open
- passwd
- pico
- pine
- ps
- pwd
- quit
- rm
- say
- sftp
- ssh
- stop
- su
- sudo
- tail
- top
- touch
- uname
- vi
- vim
- zsh
Missing a favorite one? Make a PR!
Live at: https://masonhall.tech.