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gnebehay committed Apr 22, 2015
2 parents f9401b9 + 804a357 commit 9404263
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Showing 25 changed files with 1,060 additions and 0 deletions.
369 changes: 369 additions & 0 deletions qwsEDFT/@ChannelEnc1D/ChannelEnc1D.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
classdef ChannelEnc1D
% ChannelEnc1D
% Class for 1D channel encoding. Contains all channel encoding
% parameters, including number of channels, basis function etc.
% Offers different modes of configuring the representation:
% obj = ChannelEnc1D(basisfuncname, ...)
% Creates a Channel encoding object using one of the standard basis
% functions. The following options are available:
% 'cos2' cos^2 function
% 'bsp1' First order b-spline
% 'bsp2' Second order b-spline
% 'rect' Rectangular function (producing a regular histogram)
% 'pchan' P-channel basis (rectangular+linear offset)
% 'rectlin' (same as 'pchan')
% A suitable decoding procedure is also selected.
% obj = ChannelEnc1D(basisfunc, bfuncwidth, decfunc, ...)
% Uses a custom basis function. Parameters:
% basisfunc: Function handle to a basis function following the same
% interface as the standard kernels 'bsp2kernel',
% 'pkernel' etc.
% bfuncwidth: The width of the basis function, such that
% basisfunc(x)=0 for abs(x)>bfuncwidth.
% decfunc: Decoding function, following the same interface as
% the standard decoding functions (see ChannelEnc1D/decode)
% (optional)
% After the basis function parameters, additional channel configuration
% parameters can be specified, which get sent directly to setChanConfig
% (type 'help setChanConfig' for more info)
% Member functions:
% setChanConfig
% centers
% encode
% encodeImg
% encodeDensity
% decode
% decodeImg
% basisMatrix
% Ex1: (basic functionality)
% > enc = ChannelEnc1D('bsp2', 'exterior', 8, [0 1]);
% > ch = encode(enc, 0.7);
% > val = decode(enc, ch);
% Ex2: (custom decoder function)
% > enc = ChannelEnc1D(@bsp2kernel, 1.5, @mydecoder, 'exterior', 8, [0 1]);
% Ex3: (custom kernel with larger overlap, no decoder)
% > enc = ChannelEnc1D(@mykernel, 2.0, 'manual', 8, 1, 1);
% [CVL 2004-2007 (see README.txt for credits)]

properties (SetAccess = 'public', GetAccess = 'public')

% Encoding and decoding functions, followin the standard calling
% convention

% Basic channel parameters
nchans = []; % number of channels
bounds = []; % Bounds (lower, upper)
fpos = []; % Position of first channel
ssc = []; % Spatial spacing
mflag = []; % Modular of not
cscale = 1; % Input space scaling of basis functions

% Width of the basis function. Set by this class if any of the
% default funtions are used, otherwise by the user.
bfuncwidth = [];


% --- Constructor and configuration -------------------------------------

% Constructor. Accepts parameters for which basis function to use.
% After the constructor is done, the members 'encf', 'bfuncwidth', and
% (optionally) 'bfuncwidth' are set.
function obj = ChannelEnc1D(varargin)

enc = varargin{1};
switch class(enc)

case 'char'
switch enc
case 'cos2'
obj.kernelf = @cos2kernel;
obj.decf = @cos2decode;
obj.bfuncwidth = 1.5;
case 'bsp1'
obj.kernelf = @bsp1kernel;
obj.decf = @bsp1decode;
obj.bfuncwidth = 1.0;
case 'bsp2'
obj.kernelf = @bsp2kernel;
obj.decf = @bsp2decode;
obj.bfuncwidth = 1.5;
case 'rect'
obj.kernelf = @rectkernel; % Useful for comparison with hard-binned methods
obj.decf = @rectdecode;
obj.bfuncwidth = 0.5;
case {'rectlin', 'pchan'}
obj.kernelf = @pkernel;
obj.decf = @pdecode;
obj.bfuncwidth = 0.5;
error('Unknown encoding');

restargs = varargin(2:end); % Remove the first argument

case 'function_handle'
if length(varargin)>=2
obj.kernelf = enc;
obj.bfuncwidth = varargin{2};
error('Must specify bfuncwidth when using custom basis functions');
restargs = varargin(3:end); % Remove the first two arguments

error('Invalid call to constructor');


% There are more arguments. First, look for a decoding function
if not(isempty(restargs))
if isa(restargs{1}, 'function_handle')
obj.decf = restargs{1};
restargs = restargs(2:end);

if not(isempty(restargs))
% There are even more arguments after the decoding function. Pass
% on to setChanConfig
obj = setChanConfig(obj, restargs{:});


% Sets the channel configuration (number of channels, positions etc)
function obj = setChanConfig(obj, mode, varargin)

switch mode
case 'manual'
% enc = setChanLayout(enc, 'manual', nch, ssc, fpos, cscale, mflag)

if length(varargin)<3, error('Too few input arguments!'); end;

% Set default values
if length(varargin)<4 || isempty(varargin{4}), varargin{4} = 1; end;
if length(varargin)<5 || isempty(varargin{5}), varargin{5} = 0; end;

obj.nchans = varargin{1};
obj.ssc = varargin{2};
obj.fpos = varargin{3};
obj.cscale = varargin{4};
obj.mflag = varargin{5};

% Bounds
if length(varargin)<6 || isempty(varargin{6})
obj.bounds = [obj.fpos, obj.fpos + (obj.nchans-1)*obj.ssc];
obj.bounds = varargin{6};

case 'exterior'
% enc = obj.setChanLayout(enc, 'exterior', nch, bounds, cscale, mflag)

if length(varargin)<2, error('Too few input arguments!'); end;

% Set default values
if length(varargin)<3 || isempty(varargin{3}), varargin{3} = 1; end;
if length(varargin)<4 || isempty(varargin{4}), varargin{4} = 0; end;

obj.nchans = varargin{1};
obj.bounds = varargin{2};
obj.cscale = varargin{3};
obj.mflag = varargin{4};

if not(obj.mflag)
% Linear domain
d = obj.cscale*obj.bfuncwidth;
obj.fpos = (obj.bounds(2)+obj.bounds(1)*obj.nchans-d*(obj.bounds(1)+obj.bounds(2))) / (obj.nchans+1-2*d);

obj.ssc = (obj.bounds(2)-obj.bounds(1)) / (obj.nchans+1-2*d);
% Modular domain
% (note that exterior==interior spacing for modular domanis)
obj.fpos = obj.bounds(1);
obj.ssc = (obj.bounds(2)-obj.bounds(1)) / obj.nchans;

case 'interior'
% enc = setChanLayout(enc, 'interior', nch, bounds, cscale, mflag)

if length(varargin)<2, error('Too few input arguments!'); end;

% Set default values
if length(varargin)<3 || isempty(varargin{3}), varargin{3} = 1; end;
if length(varargin)<4 || isempty(varargin{4}), varargin{4} = 0; end;

obj.nchans = varargin{1};
obj.bounds = varargin{2};
obj.cscale = varargin{3};
obj.mflag = varargin{4};

% Compute the other parameters
if not(obj.mflag)
d = obj.cscale*obj.bfuncwidth;
obj.ssc = (obj.bounds(2)-obj.bounds(1))/(obj.nchans-1+2*d);
obj.fpos = obj.bounds(1) + d*obj.ssc;
% Modular domain
obj.fpos = obj.bounds(1);
obj.ssc = (obj.bounds(2)-obj.bounds(1)) / obj.nchans;



% --- Encoding and decoding ---------------------------------------------

function ch = encode(obj, val, chi)

% Error checking
[sr, sc] = size(val);
if sr~=1
error('val has to be a scalar or a row vector');

if not(isa(val, 'double'))
error('Only encoding of doubles are supported');

% Normalize val such that we can use channels at (1,2,3,...)
val = (val-obj.fpos)/obj.ssc + 1;

if nargin<3
cpos = [1:obj.nchans]'; % Unit channel positions
cpos = chi; % A single channel

i1 = ones(size(val));
i2 = ones(size(cpos));

% Calculate normalized spatial distance
if obj.mflag
% Old version. Not correct, since we can no longer assume symmetric
% basis functions.
% ndist = obj.nchans/2 - abs(mod(cpos*i1-i2*val, obj.nchans) - obj.nchans/2);

% New version (Erik 2007). Works, but is a bit clumpsy..
slask = i2*val-cpos*i1;
slasklin = slask(:);
M = [slasklin, slasklin-obj.nchans, slasklin+obj.nchans];
[val, ix] = min(abs(M), [], 2);
ix = sub2ind(size(M), [1:size(M,1)]', ix);
ndist = reshape(M(ix), size(slask));
ndist = i2*val-cpos*i1;

ch = feval(obj.kernelf, ndist/obj.cscale);

function chimg = encodeImg(obj, img)
% Rehape the image to a row vector, encode each pixel, and reshape back
sz = size(img);
chimg = encode(obj, img(:)');
chimg = reshape(chimg', [sz, obj.nchans]);

function ch = encodeDensity(cf, pdf)
ch = basisMatrix(cf, length(pdf))' * pdf(:);

function [vals, cert] = decode(obj, ch, nmodes)
if nargin<3, nmodes = 1; end;

if isempty(obj.decf)
error('No decoding method specified');
%Decoding done separately for each output dimension /FL
%for iDim=1:(size(ch,1)/obj.nchans) FIXME: conflict with
% [vals(iDim,:), cert(iDim,:)] = feval(obj.decf, ch(1+(iDim-1)*obj.nchans:iDim*obj.nchans,:), obj.cscale, obj.mflag, nmodes);
[vals, cert] = feval(obj.decf, ch(1:obj.nchans,:), obj.cscale, obj.mflag, nmodes);
% Perhaps the decoding function should only work on an integer grid.
% We can then map from this grid to the actual input space.

vals = (vals-1)*obj.ssc + obj.fpos;
% FIXME: Different for modular?

% Decodes each pixel of a channel-coded image, created by encodeImg.
% Returns possibly more than one decoded image
function varargout = decodeImg(cf, chimg, nmodes)
if nargin<3, nmodes = 1; end;

sz = size(chimg);
chimg = reshape(chimg, [sz(1)*sz(2), sz(3)]);
[img, cert] = decode(cf, chimg', nmodes);

% Return all that is asked for (and expected)
for ii = 1:min(nmodes, ceil(nargout/2))
varargout{2*ii-1} = reshape(img(ii,:), sz(1:2));
if nargout>=2*ii
varargout{2*ii} = reshape(cert(ii,:), sz(1:2));


% --- Misc functions ---------------------------------------------------

function M = basisMatrix(obj, nsamps)
% M = basisMatrix(obj, nsamps)
% Returns a matrix M, where each column is a sampled basis function.
% A sampled pdf 'p' can then be channel encoded by ch = M'*p. This can
% also be used for easy visualization, MEM reconstruction etc.

intoff = diff(obj.bounds)/2/nsamps; % first and last value should be
% inside, not on the boundary
xvals = linspace(obj.bounds(1)+intoff, obj.bounds(2)-intoff, nsamps);
M = encode(obj, xvals)';

function cc = centers(obj)
cc = obj.fpos + [0:(obj.nchans-1)]*obj.ssc;



9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions qwsEDFT/@ChannelEnc1D/basisMatrix.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
% M = basisMatrix(obj, nsamps)
% Returns a matrix M, where each column is a sampled basis function using
% 'nsamps' samples equally spaced within the bounds.
% A sampled pdf 'p' can then be channel encoded by ch = M'*p. The basis
% matrix can also be used for easy visualization, MEM reconstruction etc.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions qwsEDFT/@ChannelEnc1D/centers.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
% c = centers(obj)
% Returns the channel centers used by the channel encoder 'obj'.
% [CVL 2007]

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