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this is a simple library to convert html to docx,it is based on the html-doxc-js


Usage and demo

yarn add html-docx   npm install html-docx --save

import HtmlToDocx from 'html-docx'
    exportElement: '#html-docx', // 需要转换为word的html标签
    exportFileName: 'list.docx', // 转换之后word文档的文件名称
    StringStyle: '', // css样式以字符串的形式插入进去
    margins:{top: 1440,right: 1440,bottom: 1440,left: 1440,header: 720,footer: 720,gutter: 0} // word的边距配置

use in-inline in html

you can use it refer to the example useage


This library should work on any modern browser that supports Blobs (either natively or via Blob.js). It was tested on Google Chrome 36, Safari 7 and Internet Explorer 10.

Images Support

images/cavans is supported in the library the src of images can be URI or inlined base64 cavans can be generate by common charts library or protogenetic


<div id="html-docx-config">
  • the container is used to set the WORD that you will convert
<div id="page-header" textAlign='right'>我的新世界</div>
  • the element is used to control the header of word
  • the property is used to set the position of the header
  • the innerText of the element is content of the header
<div id="first-page" titlePg='false'><div style='text-align: center;'>dfsdfsdf</div></div>
  • the element is used to control the header of first page,if the first titlePage is needless for you ,you can skip the element
  • the property(titlePg) is used to defined the first page whether or not the same
  • you can edite any html element in the element

<div id="page-content"></div>

  • the element is used to control the content of word,if you neednot the content,you can skip the element

<div class="change-line"></div>

  • if you want to start with a new page, you can used the element
  • you can you use id any time only if you want

<div id="page-footer"></div>

  • the element is used to control the header of word
  • it can only be used to disply page number


all classNames or Id of elements in API cannot be changed you had better use protogenetic element in html so that the word can convert accurately


Copyright (c) 2015 Evidence Prime, Inc. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).