The arduino-sauna-control code when paired with appropriate HW allows one to replace a broken proprietary control system of an Infrared Sauna.
HW Required
- Arduino
- LCDKeypad 16x2 screen
- 4.7Kohm resister
- Dallas Thermometer DS18B20 Temperature Probe preferably waterproof with 2-3m lead
- 4 channel 10A relay board or a 2 channel 20A relay 1 channel for Light 1-2 for heaters (I broke to two circuits for heaters so I could use the 10A board)
- Buzzer / Speaker
- 5V Power Supply for Arduino
- Highly Recommend a physical master power switch! (see safety note below)
- Appropriate wires and connectors
- Fuses
- Motherboard standoffs with screws for mounting Control Board in control box as well as the Arduino
I took apart the old proprietary control system and gutted it, but used the power plugs/connections and the fuse box. I bypassed both the built-in control panel and the speakers. The built-in control panel was built for 12V and I didn't want to figure out how it worked when a simple LCDKeypad could replace it. As for the speakers, I just figure a bluetooth speaker or just a smartphone would be good enough for sound.
SAFTEY NOTE: As I was putting all of the components together, I found that while using the 4 Channel Relay Board if the Arduino did not supply 5V power to the VCC in port, that the circuits would fail closed instead of open. This could prove disastrous if the Arduino power supply was broken for some reason. So I added a reverse logic variable to have the pins Hot when the unit/overhead light are off instead of for when on. Also highly recommend a physical switch to power the whole thing off and on for safety sake.
- Change in heater logic to start cycling heaters when around the setTemp to keep the heaters warm enough to work properly.
- Preheat mode with indication Sauna is to operating temp. I am thinking a beep when a minimum operating temperature is reached.
- Add ability to change between C and F.
- Add variable stored in EEProm for tracking hours in use ( potentially since manually reset )
- IP connectivity for monitoring purposes (not likely)
- Track time for individual person in Sauna (If wanted to track days would need to add a RTC to the mix)
.8a Logic Bug fix on reading temp and time from EEProm
.8 Reduced the Temp Difference to turn on the heaters to 1 degree F from 2. The time that it took for the temp to lower allowed, the heaters to cool too much and the time to heat back up was severely compromised. May need to change logic for maintaining heat to have heaters come on periodically for couple minutes as long as temp is within SetTemp and SetTemp+5 or something like that.
.7 Fixed the reverse logic for the Heater Operation. Also adjusted up the Maximums for temp. - Tested as functional and works.
.6 Changed logic to allow for reverse logic on the control board, added delay to reading temp probe when light is turned off or on.
.5 Bug fixes mostly and first fully functional version (I thought)
.4 Bug fixes - First potentially usable version
.3 Bug fixes and added Alarm State
.2 First commit to Github
.1 Initial logic
- Temp in Sauna can crest 5F or more above the set temp due to the latent heat in the heaters.
- The time for the Sauna to cool to below the set temperature may be too long resulting in the heaters having cooled too much. This causes a severe time lag in coming back up to temperature as the sauna continues to drop in temperature. Hence the need for the heater control logic to be improved as mentioned above.
- A very small portion of code was copied from the arduino-sauna project posted by
- Some code was brought in and modified from sample code for the LCDKeypad at