Friendly mirror containing the (cleaned) meshes of the 2D Shape Structure Dataset in OBJ format
A project page template for academic papers. Demo at
(Very) challenging 3D shapes for polycube-based hex-meshing
LBFGS-Lite: A header-only L-BFGS unconstrained optimizer.
A header-only C++ library for L-BFGS and L-BFGS-B algorithms
Exact and approximate solvers for minimum-cost-flow problems in bi-directed graphs.
Porting meshing tools and solvers that deal with unstructured meshes on GPUs
Implementation of Robust Quantization for Polycube-Maps
Probabilistic language based on pattern matching and constraint propagation, 153 examples
C++ library for solving large sparse linear systems with algebraic multigrid method
a programming library with geometric algorithms
GMDS, for Generic Mesh Data Structures and Services, provide a set of libraries to represent and handles meshes in the context of numerical simulation. It mainly targets quad and hex mesh generatio…
Interactive tool for normal driven stylization. A set of preferred normals can be chosen arbitrarily from the Gauss sphere, including semi-discrete sets to model preference for cylinder- or cone-li…
open source software for bidimensional and tridimensional remeshing
Implementation of "Hexahedral Mesh Repair via SOS Relaxation" [Zoë Marschner, David Palmer, Paul Zhang, Justin Solomon. Symposium on Geometry Processing, 2020]
Repository containing common 3D test models in original format with original source if known and obj mesh
Practical Feature-Preserving Block Decomposition for Strongly Hex-Dominant Meshing
Implementation of the paper "Layout Embedding via Combinatorial Optimization" an online viewer for hexahedral meshes
Yocto/GL: Tiny C++ Libraries for Data-Driven Physically-based Graphics
A C++ & Python viewer for 3D data like meshes and point clouds