C++11 signal/slot implementation
- c++11
For a code sample, see test.cpp
class Emitter
Signal<int> the_signal;
void do_emit(int value)
The only thing required for a class to emit signals, is to declare a field of the Signal<> type. The template arguments will be the parameter types of the slots to be bound to the signal.
class Receiver: public Object
void slot(int v)
cout << "Yay! " << v << endl;
The only thing required for a class to be able to bind to signals, is for it to derive from Object. After that, every method of the object can be bound to signals.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Create both an emitting and receiving instance
Emitter em;
Receiver recv;
// Bind the slot to the signal
em.the_signal.bind(&Receiver::slot, &recv);
// Emit
Here we instantiate both classes, bind the signal and emit it.
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