Additional Features:
- german language
- "allday" Events for the calendar
- editable calendar-categories
- full monthly report for a specific user
- full migration support (basic run needs no installation)
- replaced hard strings with translated content
- full debug mode with output
Before proceeding to installation please make sure that your server meets the minimum server requirements:
- PHP 5.4 or greater
- PDO PHP extension
- MCrypt PHP extension
- GD PHP library
- MySQL Database
If your webserver is running Apache then mod_rewrite should be installed
- git clone the repository
- copy the app/config/database.sample.php to app/config/database.php and modify the db-settings
- Grant writing permission to app/storage, assets/uploads and assets/images/profilepics
- run "php artisan optimize" * run "php artisan migrate" to setup the full db
- thats it! You can now login with the user "[email protected]" and "changeme12345"
team is fork from 92five (