This is an Angular wrapper library for the Swiper.
See a live example application here.
npm install
npm run build
cd example
npm install
npm start
npm install ngx-swiper-wrapper --save-dev
import { SwiperModule } from 'ngx-swiper-wrapper';
import { SwiperConfigInterface } from 'ngx-swiper-wrapper';
const SWIPER_CONFIG: SwiperConfigInterface = {
direction: 'horizontal',
slidesPerView: 'auto',
keyboardControl: true
imports: [
This library provides two ways to create a Swiper element, simple component and custom directive.
Simply replace the element that would oridinarily be passed to Swiper
with the swiper component.
<swiper [config]="config" (indexChange)="onIndexChange($event)">
Swiper content
[config] // Custom config to override the global defaults.
(indexChange) // Event handler for the swiper index change event.
[runInsideAngular] // Run Swiper function calls inside the angular zone.
When using only the directive you need to provide your own theming or import the default theme:
@import '';
Swiper directive can be used in correctly structured div element with optional custom configuration:
<div [swiper]="config" class="swiper-container" (indexChange)="onIndexChange($event)">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide">
Swiper content
<div class="swiper-scrollbar"></div>
<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
<div class="swiper-button-prev"></div>
<div class="swiper-button-next"></div>
[swiper] // Can be used to provide optional custom config.
(indexChange) // Event handler for the swiper index change event.
[runInsideAngular] // Run Swiper function calls inside the angular zone.
direction // Direction of the swiper (Default: 'horizontal').
threshold // Distance needed for the swipe action (Default: 0).
spaceBetween // Space in pixels between the swiper items (Default: 0).
slidesPerView // Number of the items per view or 'auto' (Default: 1).
centeredSlides // Align active item on center not left (Default: false).
keyboardControl // Enables navigation through arrow keys (Default: false).
For more detailed documentation with all the supported options see swiper documentation.