You’re working in organization that fights fires in forest areas in a preventive way.
They manage several forest areas and want to use technology to improve their effectiveness.
The goal is to design some services that help to improve preparations before preventive works in the area itself.
Currently, they work on 3 specific areas:
- name: Calderona
lat: 39.67
lon: -0.43
countryCode: ES
- name: Mariola
lat: 38.72
lon: -0.53
countryCode: ES
- name: Penyagolosa
lat: 40.23
lon: -0.29
countryCode: ES
We need an endpoint to know the weather data of all managed locations
You can obtain the weather data from Open Weather Map API.
Another one to tell us if the location is suitable to start working on it. They consider suitability depending on the weather. Good weather is needed and it’s defined by
field from openweathermap, when its value is equalsClear
Organization is growing, so you need an API to manage new areas.
You should make focus on:
Hexagonal architecture
Domain Driven Design
Testing techniques