Cloud Architect, Software Engineer
- Ireland
camel-plantuml allows to generate PlantUML diagrams from deployed Camel routes
Visualizations for Apache Camel projects
Convert google firestore/datastore LevelDB exports to JSON data.
Documentation and tools for converting LevelDB files into JSON files. (eg. for reading Google Firestore and Datastore backups)
Business Jekyll Theme for your business
🎨 Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures
Penelope is a tool for performing BigQuery and Cloud Storage Backups on the Google Cloud Platform
Spherical Mercator math in Javascript
A set of UDFs and Procedures to extend BigQuery, Snowflake, Redshift, Postgres and Databricks with Spatial Analytics capabilities
Deploy N AWS micro instances and launch coordinated siege against webservers.
JavaScript implementation of the Locally-Weighted Regression package originally written in C by Cleveland, Grosse and Shyu (1992)
This is intended to be a repo containing all of the official AWS Serverless architecture patterns built with CDK for developers to use. All patterns come in Typescript and Python with the exported …
Java and Kotlin Code samples used on cloud.google.com
Google Cloud Client Library for Python
A library for loading and saving GTFS feeds of arbitrary size with disk-backed storage
Visualize Google BigQuery geospatial data using Google Maps Platform APIs
A Java package to automatically detect anomalies in large scale time-series data
Build human readable transit timetables as HTML or PDF from GTFS.
A Java-based library for reading, writing, and transforming public transit data in the GTFS format, including database support.
Language bindings generated from the GTFS Realtime protocol buffer spec for popular languages.
Script para importar dataset de "df_gtfs" a PostgreSQL
q - Run SQL directly on delimited files and multi-file sqlite databases
PartiQL libraries and tools in Kotlin.
Provider for AWS Redshift entities, eg Users, Groups, Permissions, Schemas, Databases