Kyubus Shader is a collection of Reshade and RetroArch retro CRT presets using existing shaders such as CRT-Guest, CRT-Royale and CRT-Lottes. I do not take credit for creating these shaders, they are just included for convenience. The Look-Up-Texture (LUT) and preset settings are my work.
Preview video:
Presets are developed for 16:9 monitors with resolution of 1440p, 1080p and 2160p(4k). Oher configurations should work too, but some presets won't look quite right.
Reshade shader installation:
#1 To use the Reshade shaders, you need to download the latest version of Reshade from the official website:
#2 Open the .exe and follow the instructions, after chosing the the correct rendering API you can skip the remaining steps.
#3 Copy the "reshade-shaders" folder and the "reshade.ini" from the zip file to the folder of the game or emulator's executable, and overwrite the .ini file. Then copy preset files from either the "XXXXp-monitor-presets" folder to the same location. So the structure will look like this:
📁game folder
├─📁 reshade-shaders
├─📄kyubus-... etc
For better results on low resolution scanline presets (like CRTguest-ntsc-scanline-SD) INTEGER scaling can be switched ON ( RetroArch>Settings>video>scaling).
RetroArch shader installation:
#1 Place the files from the zip file into the "RetroArch root\shaders" folder
#2 Then in retroach while in game, open the Quickmenu with F1 > shaders > load > kyubus-crtguest.slangp
Reshade Hotkeys:
Home : Brings up the ReShade interface
` : Toggle the current preset
Alt Gr + . : Next preset
Alt Gr + , : Prevrious preset
Suggested apps to use Reshade with:
ShaderGlass - System wide desktop shading
MPC-BE - The only media player I know Reshade can be enabled with (dx9)
RetroArch - Emulation. ( Optional: Look up the WindowCast core for shading ANY application inside RetroArch. It is buggy though, and not a standard core included with the RetroArch installer at the moment of writing )