I'm a proactive entrepreneur at heart who constantly seeks new challenges. As an Architect who codes, I have broadened my skill set through a passion for technology and innovation.
I believe technology is the future of architecture and the built world. Always learning and leveraging cutting-edge technologies to seek answers, I bring a holistic approach when facing new challenges—involved in BIM, architecture, and software products, projects, and implementations across scales, from design automation to full-fledged apps in several countries.
With experience founding startups of my own, I like to participate in every part of the business and design process, having a broad background and interests. I'm passionate about design & technology, especially about finding common ground between the two.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on several challenging projects at e-verse, doing my best to help the company grow in any way I can.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning some smart contract coding in my free time. I'll be uploading some work here.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on anything related to innovation in the BIM/AEC industries. Feel free to reach out!
- 💬 Ask me about coding for architects: BIM, Dynamo, Python, C#.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected] / LinkedIn