A tool designed for CI/CD pipelines that uploads the most recently changed scripts and extension attributes in source control to a Jamf Pro server(s).
Create user-notifications on macOS with swiftDialog
Swift binary that will change a local administrator password to a random generated password. Similar behavior to LAPS for Windows
Simple command line tool to set the desktop picture on macOS
For Mac users in enterprise environments, this application gives users control over the administration of their machine by elevating their level of access to administrator privileges on macOS. User…
JNUC Presentation Materials for "2017: A Push Odyssey"
Utility to convert plist files from XML to Binary and back again
Allow a specific directory group to be admin on the device for few minutes.
Cocoa framework to install application updates from GitHub releases.
python pyobjc utility for macOS for displaying dialogs using .nib files
A dumb little utility to streamline the use of ssh-agent with PIV-enabled YubiKeys on OS X.
A simple app that can extract Bundle Icons (icns files) and convert them to png's suitable for use with Casper Suite's Self Service application
Helpers for OS X packaging and MacAdmins
macOS app to create standard or customized configuration profiles.
A Quick Setup and Fill Repository for Munki with AutoPKG
A process for end user notifications of screen sharing session starts and ends
Self support apps provided by IT services to end users.
A repository of scripts and plist examples to use with @ygini's Hello-IT
Creates an Apple Installer package bundled with a Choices XML file