This repo is DEPRECATED scxctl is now a part of the official sched-ext/scx repo
is a cli interface for interacting with scx_loader
- Get the current scheduler and mode
- List all available schedulers
- Start a scheduler in a given mode, or with given arguments
- Switch between schedulers and modes
- Stop the running scheduler
is available on the AUR as scxctl
scxctl is included in the official scx-scheds package for versions after 1.0.10
can be installed from crates.io through cargo
cargo install scxctl
$ scxctl --help
Usage: scxctl <COMMAND>
get Get the current scheduler and mode
list List all supported schedulers
start Start a scheduler in a mode or with arguments
switch Switch schedulers or modes, optionally with arguments
stop Stop the current scheduler
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
$ scxctl start --help
Start a scheduler in a mode or with arguments
Usage: scxctl start [OPTIONS] --sched <SCHED>
-s, --sched <SCHED> Scheduler to start
-m, --mode <MODE> Mode to start in [default: auto] [possible values: auto, gaming, powersave, lowlatency, server]
-a, --args <ARGS> Arguments to run scheduler with
-h, --help Print help
$ scxctl switch --help
Switch schedulers or modes, optionally with arguments
Usage: scxctl switch [OPTIONS]
-s, --sched <SCHED> Scheduler to switch to
-m, --mode <MODE> Mode to switch to [possible values: auto, gaming, powersave, lowlatency, server]
-a, --args <ARGS> Arguments to run scheduler with
-h, --help Print help
Start bpfland in auto mode
scxctl start -s bpfland
Switch to gaming mode
scxctl switch -m gaming
Switch to lavd with verbose and performance flags
scxctl switch -s lavd -a="-v,--performance"