Tool for exporting and importing Android string resources for translation.
Supported resources:
- strings
- string arrays
- plurals
It's AndroidLangTool on steroids.
The tool exports Android string resources to Excel and imports them back to the project after translation. It scans Android project and exports strings, by default from strings.xml. Additional resources can be specified. All the resources are concatenated in a single Excel file. The tool allows many additional operations on the strings. See the command line arguments for more details.
Xml comments are supported Missing traslations have red background in the xls file.
To build the application execute: mvn package
To run the application execute: java -jar langtools-VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Tool has 2 modes:
- exporting to xls
- importing from xls
params: -e <project dir>
[-o <output file>]
[--additional-resources <list of additional resources>]
[--ignore-list <ingored list file>]
- project dir - Path to the Android project
- output file - Name of the generated Excel file
- list of additional resources - Optional list of additional resources, values are separated by ':'
- ingored list file - Optional file for defining keys that are ignored
params: -i <input file>
[-s <splitting config file>]
[-m <mapping file>]
[--escaping-config <escaping config file>]
[--ignore-list <ingored list file>]
[--extra-transformations <transformations config file>]
[--mixed-content <mixed list file>]
- input file - Name of the Excel file for importing into the project
- splitting config file - Optinal Excel file containing splitting info
- mapping file - Optional file for changing resource qualifiers onto another. Typically used for omitting country specifiers (e.g. convert 'cs-rCZ' into 'cs').
- escaping config file - Optional file for defining string keys that should be escaped (with quotes) in the final output.
- unescape-first - Optional flag to denote that we want to unescape the strings before importing (and before optional escaping).
- ingored list file - Optional file for defining string keys that are ignored.
- transformations config file - Optional file for defining import tranformations on strings for each key.
- mixed list file - Optional file containing keys of string which will be handled as mixed xml content when importing (strings are by default handled as text content).
- post-process-ascii - Optional flag to perform a post processing on xml file in order to convert some special characters like 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, "...".
- The first column contains row index of the beginning of a subfile.
- The second column contains name of the output subfile.
- The third optional column contains name of the output resource file. The default name is "strings.xml".
- The first column contains 'from value'
- The second column contains 'to value'
- The first column contains string keys values of which will be escaped with quotes
- The first column contains string keys
- The first column contains string keys
- The second column contains matching regex (can contain capture groups) as defined by Java Pattern documentation
- The third column contains replacement (can contain capture groups)
- The optional fourth column can constain comma separated list of allowed languages (the transformation is applied only for these languages).
- The first column contains string keys