Randomly selects an album for a given artist on Spotify for you to listen to.
Advanced player for set-top boxes and tvs running Android OS
The Service Bus Explorer allows users to connect to a Service Bus namespace and administer messaging entities in an easy manner. The tool provides advanced features like import/export functionalityβ¦
Spectacle allows you to organize your windows without using a mouse.
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Code for the tutorial series on creating Microservices with Golang
Examples of microservices written in Go using different frameworks
Ingress NGINX Controller for Kubernetes
A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! π
Collection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions.
π Patterns found in smart contract oriented language Solidity.
Examples of Solidity security issues
This repo contains a collection of smart contract honeypots.
Smart Contracts Design Patterns in the Ethereum Ecosystem and Solidity Code
solidity and ethereum vulnerabilities
The main repository for the TrueBlocks system
Security issues in Ethereum demonstrated in mocha tests. The fix is also demonstrated
Parse the Ethereum blockchain from a local geth node!
Visualize Solidity control flow for smart contract security analysis. π΅ β π΅
Include nice-looking Solidity examples into LaTeX files
Composable building blocks for Ethereum contracts
Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language