Ansible playbooks for creating virtual machines running Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 with remote desktop (NoMachine) on public clouds. The included remote role is quite opinionated with my favorite tools pre-installed, a dark theme and everything I enjoy with Ubuntu for having fun with the Cloud.
The remote desktop software in use is: NoMachine. NoMachine is an amazing software which is free for personal use. If you use this in a business environment, please pay for licenses and/or leverage their enterprise solutions.
- Install Ansible.
- Setup you favorite Cloud credentials.
- Run the ansible commands for your favorite Cloud provider (see examples below).
- Install NoMachine and use its client to connect to your VM.
- Use the external IP assigned to your VM for the host.
- Use the user/pass given in your ansible commands (main_user and main_pass).
- NoMachine will ask you to create a display, say yes.
- Have fun.
To get a default Ubuntu setup without any extra software installed, simply skip the package tag:
ansible-playbook --skip-tags package [...]
To skip only cloud related tooling:
ansible-playbook --skip-tags package-cloud [...]
You may also skip any other tags in the main tasks YAML file.
Please use the target playbook, for example:
ansible-playbook target.yml -v --inventory "," --extra-vars "ansible_user=sshuser ansible_ssh_pass=sshp4ss ansible_sudo_pass=sshp4ss main_user=yourusername main_pass='p4ssw0rd'"
- Boto and Boto3 libraries (
pip install boto boto3
) - EC2 key pair
- VPC (default one is OK)
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='aa0aaaa0aa00aaa00aa00a0aaa0aaaaaaaaa0aa0'
ansible-playbook aws.yml -v -u ubuntu --private-key ~/.ssh/private.pem --extra-vars "region=ca-central-1 keypair=remote vpc_id=vpc-aa0000a0 main_user=yourusername main_pass='p4ssw0rd'"
- keypair (SSH key pair name)
- main_user (main username)
- main_pass (main user password)
- region (AWS region)
- vpc_id (vpc object id)
- image (AWS AMI id)
- instance_type (instance type)
- nomachine_deb (deb installation package download url)
- reboot (skip reboot if set to false)
- security_group_name (security group object name)
- timezone (timezone name, ex: America/Toronto)
- Digitalocean collection (
ansible-galaxy collection install community.digitalocean
) - Access token
- Account SSH keys
export DO_OAUTH_TOKEN='aaa0000000000a0a0a000a00aaa000aaaa0a0000a0a00aaa0a00a0000a000aaa'
ansible-playbook do.yml -v --user=root --private-key ~/.ssh/key --extra-vars "region=tor1 ssh_key_id=000000000 main_user=yourusername main_pass='p4ssw0rd'"
- main_user (main username)
- main_pass (main user password)
- pub_key (SSH public key file path)
- region (DigitalOcean region)
- ssh_key_id (global SSH key ID)
- image (Digital Ocean OS image name)
- nomachine_deb (deb installation package download url)
- reboot (skip reboot if set to false)
- timezone (timezone name, ex: America/Toronto)
- vm (vm object name)
- vm_size (vm size id)
- Python Google Authentication Library (
pip install google-auth
) - Python HTTP requests library (
pip install requests
) - GCP project
- Service account with proper permissions and JSON key
ansible-playbook gcp.yml -v --extra-vars "region=northamerica-northeast1 zone=a project=yourgcpproject sa_key=service-account-key.json main_user=yourusername main_pass='p4ssw0rd'"
- main_user (main username)
- main_pass (main user password)
- project (GCP project)
- region (GCP region)
- sa_key (service account JSON key path)
- zone (GCP zone)
- disk (disk object name)
- gcp_cred_kind (authentication for creating objects)
- firewall (firewall object name)
- nomachine_deb (deb installation package download url)
- reboot (skip reboot if set to false)
- timezone (timezone name, ex: America/Toronto)
- vm (virtual machine object name)
- vm_size (hard disk size in GB)
- vm_type (instance type)
- Python library for Linode API (
pip install linode_api4
) - API access token
- SSH public/private keys
export LINODE_ACCESS_TOKEN='00000aa00a00aaaa0a00a0a0aa0000a0aa0000aa000a0a0000000000aaa0aaa0'
ansible-playbook linode.yml -v --user=root --private-key ~/.ssh/key --extra-vars "region=ca-central root_pass='r00tp4ss#' pub_key=~/.ssh/ main_user=yourusername main_pass='p4ssw0rd#'"
- main_user (main username)
- main_pass (main user password)
- pub_key (SSH public key file path)
- region (Linode region)
- root_pass (root user password)
- image (Linode image name)
- nomachine_deb (deb installation package download url)
- reboot (skip reboot if set to false)
- timezone (timezone name, ex: America/Toronto)
- vm (vm label/name)
- vm_plan (vm plan, you might want to change this one since set to shared cpu by default)
- Azure Libraries (
pip install -r <(curl -s
) - Resource group
- Azure AD application and a service principal
- SSH public/private keys
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID='0000a000-a000-0000-00a0-aa000000aa00'
export AZURE_SECRET='-secret-'
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID='000000aa-0aa0-0000-aa0a-a00a000000aa'
export AZURE_TENANT='000a0aa0-0000-0a0a-aa0a-000a0aaaa00a'
ansible-playbook azure.yml -v --user=azadmin --private-key ~/.ssh/key --extra-vars "resource_group=remoterg storage_account=remotesa pub_key=~/.ssh/ main_user=yourusername main_pass='p4ssw0rd#'"
- main_user (main username)
- main_pass (main user password)
- pub_key (SSH public key file path)
- region (Azure region)
- resource_group (resource group object name)
- storage_account (storage account object name, needs to be unique across azure so pick wisely)
- admin_user (admin username)
- disk_size (disk size in GB)
- image_offer (os image offer name)
- image_publisher (os image publisher name)
- image_sku (os image SKU)
- image_version (os image version)
- network_interface (network interface object name)
- nomachine_deb (deb installation package download url)
- public_ip (public IP object name)
- reboot (skip reboot if set to false)
- security_group (security group object name)
- storage_type (storage type name)
- subnet (subnet object name)
- subnet_cidr (private subnet CIDR)
- timezone (timezone name, ex: America/Toronto)
- virtual_network (virtual network object name)
- vm (vm object name)
- vm_size (instance type)